sunaku / tamzen-font

💌 Bitmapped programming font, based on Tamsyn
882 stars 29 forks source link

AUR installation does not work #15

Closed tastyminerals closed 6 years ago

tastyminerals commented 6 years ago

I have installed this package from AUR after I found out that community Tamsyn does not work either. I cannot find this fond in either of the 5 terminal emulators I've installed. I have added the following lines to .xinitrc:

xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local
xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/misc 
xset +fp /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts

Did fc-cache -f and rebooted.

$ ls /usr/share/fonts/local/

fonts.dir           Tamsyn5x9b.pcf   Tamsyn8x16b.pcf   Tamzen7x14b.bdf               TamzenForPowerline6x12b.bdf
Powerline10x20.bdf  Tamsyn5x9r.pcf   Tamsyn8x16r.pcf   Tamzen7x14r.bdf               TamzenForPowerline6x12r.bdf
Powerline5x9.bdf    Tamsyn6x12b.pcf  Tamzen10x20b.bdf  Tamzen8x15b.bdf               TamzenForPowerline7x13b.bdf
Powerline6x12.bdf   Tamsyn6x12r.pcf  Tamzen10x20r.bdf  Tamzen8x15r.bdf               TamzenForPowerline7x13r.bdf
Powerline7x13.bdf   Tamsyn7x13b.pcf  Tamzen5x9b.bdf    Tamzen8x16b.bdf               TamzenForPowerline7x14b.bdf
Powerline7x14.bdf   Tamsyn7x13r.pcf  Tamzen5x9r.bdf    Tamzen8x16r.bdf               TamzenForPowerline7x14r.bdf
Powerline8x15.bdf   Tamsyn7x14b.pcf  Tamzen6x12b.bdf   TamzenForPowerline10x20b.bdf  TamzenForPowerline8x15b.bdf
Powerline8x16.bdf   Tamsyn7x14r.pcf  Tamzen6x12r.bdf   TamzenForPowerline10x20r.bdf  TamzenForPowerline8x15r.bdf
Tamsyn10x20b.pcf    Tamsyn8x15b.pcf  Tamzen7x13b.bdf   TamzenForPowerline5x9b.bdf    TamzenForPowerline8x16b.bdf
Tamsyn10x20r.pcf    Tamsyn8x15r.pcf  Tamzen7x13r.bdf   TamzenForPowerline5x9r.bdf    TamzenForPowerline8x16r.bdf

The font is not detected.

sunaku commented 6 years ago

Were you able to solve the problem? If so, could you please share the solution here (for others' benefit)?

I would have suggested installing the font manually (not from AUR) per the instructions in the README.

tastyminerals commented 6 years ago

Partially. I managed to make tamzen and tamsyn become selectable from xfontsel. But both xterm and urxvt still do not apply the font. I closed this issue because I don't think this is an AUR package issue.