I'm running a wsl version of Ubuntu and I can't find the required 'requirements.txt' file in the supposed folder. It used to be there when I installed it on an older version but now it's gone from both installation methods.
CODEOWNERS Dockerfile Makefile bin cmd examples go.sum logs mkdocs.yml support web CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md build docs go.mod lib main.go mocks test
I remember the file being there but is there a new way to install it now?
I'm running a wsl version of Ubuntu and I can't find the required 'requirements.txt' file in the supposed folder. It used to be there when I installed it on an older version but now it's gone from both installation methods.
CODEOWNERS Dockerfile Makefile bin cmd examples go.sum logs mkdocs.yml support web CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md build docs go.mod lib main.go mocks test
I remember the file being there but is there a new way to install it now?