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Corrections to USC-MSA and English translation ref numbers #5

Open lightyears737 opened 7 years ago

lightyears737 commented 7 years ago

Assalamu alaykoum,

I was helping a friend who is developing an online project to cross reference Qur'an verses with hadiths when we noticed that there are many errors in the USC-MSA reference numbers shown on for Bukhari compared with the correct USC-MSA numbers that were on the CMJE (USC-MSA) website. I think it's important to correct such errors because it is still very common to find hadiths cited by their USC-MSA reference, and people will be confused / fail when trying to find them on, or may cite incorrect references found there. I can see you have already done a great job checking the hadith numbers that are in bold for some collections (the hadith number in Dar-us-Salam).

With Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Nasa'i, I can see that your English translation / English reference numbers are intended to match the full reference in the Dar-us-Salam edition (Volume, book and hadith number). For the most part they have been accurately recorded on, but I also found that you have a very large number of errors for Tirmidhi (mostly incorrect volume and / or book numbers for entire books - e.g. for volumes 2 and 4 you started the book numbers at 1 again), and a smaller number of errors for Ibn Majah and Nasa'i.

I have prepared csv files with all the corrections needed so they can be updated in your database using "In-book reference" as a lookup. Here is what I found after checking Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud and Malik:


152 corrections to the USC-MSA numbers are needed. For example, you can see that for book 2, they should have hadith numbers 7-55, but you numbered those same hadiths as 8-56. Either side, book 1 ends with hadith 6 and book 3 starts with hadith 56. To see this example, compare the USC-MSA numbers for book 2 on your site with any archive of the official USC-MSA (CMJE) html pages:

[EDIT: UPDATE March 2018 regarding Sahih Bukhari corrections The USC CMJE site has since come back up again:

It turns out that in late 2013/early 2014, USC inexplicably renumbered the hadiths in Sahih Bukhari Book 2 to go from 8 to 56 (previously 7 to 55), even though Book 1 still ends with hadith 6 and Book 3 still starts with hadith 56. Most copies of their site have the old numbering (see link above for example). I emailed USC to point out the mistake but no reply. So possibly you may wish to ignore the first 49 rows in the corrections file for Bukhari (which all relate to Book 2). The other 103 corrections in my Bukhari corrections csv file are definitely still needed though to fix errors on for other books in Sahih Bukhari.]

I have attached a csv file with the corrections (just rename txt as csv). Bukhari-corrections.txt

You can simply use column B (In-book ref) as a lookup and replace its USC-MSA ref with the one in column C. You'll notice that the last 3 rows are different - your book 65 has no "In-book reference". The hadiths in that book have "Arabic reference", so you can use that as the lookup for those 3 rows. You don't need to use column A (Current USC-MSA ref) for anything. It's just there so you can see the difference. Best not to use column A as a lookup as it's non-unique unlike in-book ref.


Just 1 USC-MSA correction is needed, and there was also one hadith where the English text was missing but was present on CMJE.

I have attached a csv with the corrections. Muslim-corrections.txt


No errors found :)

Abu Dawud

Your English translation hadith numbers are those of Ahmad Hasan (whose translation you and CMJE both used, in the latter case for their partial collection of roughly half the Abu Dawud hadiths). For hadiths that are both on and were on CMJE, I have verified that your English translation hadith numbers are identical, though the book numbers differ.

There were many editions of Ahmad Hasan's translation of Sunan Abu Dawud, first in 1984 with the hadiths divided into 36 books. In the 1990 edition they were divided into 41 books. In the latest edition in 2012, they have returned to the 36 book format.

On they are divided into 42 books (your “English translation” reference). I wonder if this is a mistake, or do you have an edition of Hasan's translation with 42 books? Maybe it's best to remove the book numbers and keep just the hadith numbers for "English translation" as there have been multiple formats over the years for book numbers but the hadith numbers never changed. If you like, I can produce a csv for changing the book numbers for all the Abu Dawud hadiths to the 36 book format (1984 and 2012) or 41 book format (1990).

How I checked the data

To check your USC-MSA numbers for Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud and Malik (the 4 collections that were on the CMJE website) I used a very thorough process using spreadsheets to line up your hadiths with the hadiths as numbered by USC-MSA and identify the errors. The CMJE website no longer functions properly, but there are many archives of their data such as on

I used a semi-automated process, and it helped that the hadiths were almost always in the same order on your website and the cmje collections, though USC-MSA only have half of the hadiths for Abu Dawud found in Ahmad Hasan's translation. In addition I ran a text comparison to confirm that I hadn't missed any errors that my spreadsheets couldn't detect. With the 4 USC-MSA collections I'm confident that I've identified probably 100% of the USC-MSA reference errors on

If you're happy with making these corrections, we can see how that goes and look at the Tirmidhi, ibn Majah and Nasa'i corrections afterwards! It will be good to make these improvements as your website will likely be an important resource for many years into the future :)

lightyears737 commented 7 years ago

I guess no-one's seen my first message a week ago yet, but I'll just post the details about the referencing errors in Tirmidhi, ibn Majah and Nasai' while it's fresh in my memory. On you have given each of their hadiths an "English translation" or "English reference", which provides the full citation in the Dar-us-Salam print editions (Volume, book, and hadith number). Tirmidhi has a very large number of errors and needs 3 easy steps to fix. Ibn Majah and Nasa'i have far fewer errors and need a couple of easy steps each to fix. I've provided csv files so you can easily run the corrections - I've done all the hard work already :)

Jami' at-Tirmidhi

On each book's references has either "English translation" and "In-book reference", or "English reference" and "Arabic reference" (your book 28, for example). The two English labels are just two different labels for the full Dar-us-Salam reference. The book number for books that have "Arabic reference" is the same as what the "In-book" book number would have been and is the same number as appears in the url for the book.

Roughly half of your English translation / English reference numbers are incorrect in Jami' at-Tirmidhi. Mostly this is because you started your book numbering at 1 again for volumes 2 and 4. If you look at the actual Dar-us-Salam books you'll see that the book numberings for these two volumes should start at Book 5 and 25 respectively, and what you have called "Volume 1, Book 5" and "Volume 2, Book 1" are actually parts of volume 1, Book 4. What you've called "Volume 2, Book 2" is where volume 2 actually starts, and those hadiths should instead say Volume 2, Book 5. In each case you just need to correct the volume and / or book number for the hadiths in an entire book.

The csv file attached below makes it easy to make the necessary corrections. Just use column A (In-book / Arabic reference book number – each book has one or the other) as the lookup, and correct the English translation / English reference (each book has one or the other) for all hadiths in the book with the corrected volume and book numbers shown in columns D and E.

Tirmidhi corrections Part 1.txt

Columns B and C show the current English translation / English reference volume and book number, and I put those there just for your interest so you can see the difference pre and post correction.

Please note: B and C should not be used as a lookup because that would cause unintended recursive corrections in volume 2 where the current 2.2 is corrected to 2.5, but the current 2.5 is corrected to 2.8, and the current 2.8 is correct to 2.11 so they could wrongly all end up as 2.11). There are also 4 hadiths (1044, 2129, and two with the number 1904) whose current volume and book numbers are not as shown in columns B and C, but will nevertheless be successfully corrected so long as you use column A as the lookup.

Step 2

There are also many instances where you have given a bunch of hadiths in a book the wrong volume number, but the rest of the book is fine. These can be easily fixed using the 2nd corrections csv file for Tirmidhi, attached below. Here you'll need to use columns A and B (current volume and book number) as the lookup, and simply correct the English translation / English reference volume for those hadiths to the value shown in column C.

Tirmidhi corrections Part 2.txt

Step 3

Finally, in your book 47 (Dar-us-Salam book 44), the last 80 or so hadiths of this book actually appear in volume 6. So there is a 3rd Tirmidhi csv attached below so you can correct the English reference volume for those hadiths (or the hadith number in the case of the last two rows). You can just use column A (In-book ref) as the lookup, and correct the "English reference" to the value in column C. Column B is just for your interest so you can see the difference with the current refs.

Tirmidhi corrections Part 3.txt

Sunan ibn Majah

It gets easier for the last 2 collections! You can just use the csv attached below to lookup hadiths with both the volume and book numbers in columns A and B, and correct their English translation / English reference volume numbers to the values in column C.

Ibn Majah corrections Part 1.txt

Step 2 There are a few individual hadiths in one of the books with typos in the hadith number. The csv attached below can be used to easily correct these. Just use column A (Arabic reference) as the lookup and correct the hadith's English reference to the value shown in column C. Column B is just for your interest so you can see the difference.

Ibn Majah corrections Part 2.txt

Sunan an-Nasa'i

This one is very easy too. Just use the csv attached below to lookup hadiths with both the volume and book numbers in columns A and B, and correct their English translation / English reference volume numbers to the values in column C.

Nasai corrections Part 1.txt

Step 2

There are also some individual hadiths within books that have the wrong English volume, book, and / or hadith number. The csv attached below can be used to fix this. Column A contains the "Reference" for these hadiths as a lookup. I've used that instead of In-book ref as the lookup this time because in your books 23 and 24, every hadith is numbered In-book hadith 0. That also means that if people click on the share button next to a specific hadith they get a url that is of no use because they all end with 0.

You just need to use column A as the lookup and simply correct each hadith's English translation / English reference to the value in column C. Column B is just there for your interest so you can see the difference.

Nasai corrections Part 2.txt

The error finding method I used for Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Nasa'i was slightly less exhaustive than for the previous 4 collections. It is very thorough for the volume and book numbers which I believe will be 100% correct after this, but where there were typos in the hadith number my method only identified those where it caused the hadiths to appear out of place at the start or end of the book when sorted. So there may be a few erroneous hadith numbers in each of the 3 collections that were undetected, but the English translation / English reference (i.e. The Dar-us-Salam citation) for these collections becomes more than 99% correct with these corrections.

ammaristotle commented 7 years ago

وعليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

We'll take a look at everything soon. The good thing is that we're in the middle of sifting and improving data for the upcoming API. We'll definitely take a look at these and our backlog of other corrections very soon.

Jazakumullahu Khairan for your corrections 👍

ATouhou commented 7 years ago

Nice work LightYears :-)!

lightyears737 commented 6 years ago

Just a little update: I don't know if anyone's looked at this yet (no doubt you are very busy), but you may have been confused by my corrections for Sahih Bukhari Book 2 since the USC CMJE site has since come back up again and has the same hadith numbering as on

It turns out that in late 2013/early 2014, USC inexplicably renumbered the hadiths in Sahih Bukhari Book 2 to go from 8 to 56 (previously 7 to 55), even though Book 1 still ends with hadith 6 and Book 3 still starts with hadith 56. Most copies of their site have the old numbering (see the link above for example). USC have their own unique hadith numbering system for Sahih Bukhari (doesn't match Mushin Khan's book in general), so I guess they can do what they like, but this change was clearly a mistake and also created confusion for existing citations/links to that book.

I emailed USC to point out the mistake, but no reply or change made. So possibly you may wish to ignore the first 49 rows in my corrections file posted above for Sahih Bukhari (which all relate to Book 2). The other 103 corrections in my Bukhari corrections csv file are definitely still needed though to fix numbering errors on for other books in Sahih Bukhari, as are the corrections for the other hadith collections (especially Jami' at-Tirmidhi, which has a huge number of errors).

I have also edited my first post above with this update.

fgroupindonesia commented 3 years ago

وعليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

We'll take a look at everything soon. The good thing is that we're in the middle of sifting and improving data for the upcoming API. We'll definitely take a look at these and our backlog of other corrections very soon.

Jazakumullahu Khairan for your corrections

You'll post the public API? in which location is that?

I hope many students will participate for improving the indonesia translation as well here.