supabase-community / realtime-csharp

A C# client library for supabase/realtime.
MIT License
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realtime realtime-csharp socket supabase

[Notice]: v7.0.0 renames this package from realtime-csharp to Supabase.Realtime. The depreciation notice has been set in NuGet. The API remains the same.


See realtime-csharp in action here.

realtime-csharp is written as a client library for supabase/realtime.

Documentation can be found here.

The bulk of this library is a translation and c-sharp-ification of the supabase/realtime-js library.

The Websocket-sharp implementation that Realtime-csharp is dependent on does not support TLS1.3

Getting Started

Care was had to make this API as easytm to interact with as possible. Connect() and Subscribe() have await-able signatures which allow Users to be assured that a connection exists prior to interacting with it.

var endpoint = "ws://realtime-dev.localhost:4000/socket";
client = new Client(endpoint);

await client.ConnectAsync();

// Shorthand for registering a postgres_changes subscription
var channel = client.Channel("realtime", "public", "todos");

// Listen to Updates
channel.AddPostgresChangeHandler(ListenType.Updates, (_, change) =>
    var model = change.Model<Todo>();
    var oldModel = change.OldModel<Todo>();
await channel.Subscribe();

Leveraging Postgrest.BaseModels, one ought to be able to coerce SocketResponse Records into their associated models by calling:

// ...
var channel = client.Channel("realtime", "public", "users");

channel.AddPostgresChangeHandler(ListenType.Inserts, (_, change) =>
    var model = change.Model<Todo>();

await channel.Subscribe();


"Broadcast follows the publish-subscribe pattern where a client publishes messages to a channel with a unique identifier. For example, a user could send a message to a channel with id room-1.

Other clients can elect to receive the message in real-time by subscribing to the channel with id room-1. If these clients are online and subscribed then they will receive the message.

Broadcast works by connecting your client to the nearest Realtime server, which will communicate with other servers to relay messages to other clients.

A common use-case is sharing a user's cursor position with other clients in an online game."

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Given the following model (CursorBroadcast):

class MouseBroadcast : BaseBroadcast<MouseStatus> { }
class MouseStatus
    public float MouseX { get; set; }

    public float MouseY { get; set; }

    public string UserId { get; set; }

Listen for typed broadcast events:

var channel = supabase.Realtime.Channel("cursor");

var broadcast = channel.Register<MouseBroadcast>(false, true);
broadcast.AddBroadcastEventHandler((sender, _) =>
    // Retrieved typed model.
    var state = broadcast.Current();

    Debug.WriteLine($"{state.Payload}: {state.Payload.MouseX}:{state.Payload.MouseY}");
await channel.Subscribe();

Broadcast an event:

var channel = supabase.Realtime.Channel("cursor");
var data = new CursorBroadcast { Event = "cursor", Payload = new MouseStatus { MouseX = 123, MouseY = 456 } };
channel.Send(ChannelType.Broadcast, data);


"Presence utilizes an in-memory conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT) to track and synchronize shared state in an eventually consistent manner. It computes the difference between existing state and new state changes and sends the necessary updates to clients via Broadcast.

When a new client subscribes to a channel, it will immediately receive the channel's latest state in a single message instead of waiting for all other clients to send their individual states.

Clients are free to come-and-go as they please, and as long as they are all subscribed to the same channel then they will all have the same Presence state as each other.

The neat thing about Presence is that if a client is suddenly disconnected (for example, they go offline), their state will be automatically removed from the shared state. If you've ever tried to build an “I'm online” feature which handles unexpected disconnects, you'll appreciate how useful this is."

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Given the following model: (UserPresence)

class UserPresence: BasePresence
    public DateTime LastSeen { get; set; }

Listen for typed presence events:

var presenceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

var channel = supabase.Realtime.Channel("last-seen");
var presence = channel.Register<UserPresence>(presenceId);

presence.AddPresenceEventHandler(EventType.Sync, (sender, type) =>
    foreach (var state in presence.CurrentState)
        var userId = state.Key;
        var lastSeen = state.Value.First().LastSeen;
        Debug.WriteLine($"{userId}: {lastSeen}");
await channel.Subscribe();

Track a user presence event:

var presenceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var channel = supabase.Realtime.Channel("last-seen");

var presence = channel.Register<UserPresence>(presenceId);
presence.Track(new UserPresence { LastSeen = DateTime.Now });

Postgres Changes

"Postgres Changes enable you to listen to database changes and have them broadcast to authorized clients based on Row Level Security (RLS) policies.

This works by Realtime polling your database's logical replication slot for changes, passing those changes to the apply_rls SQL function to determine which clients have permission, and then using Broadcast to send those changes to clients.

Realtime requires a publication called supabase_realtime to determine which tables to poll. You must add tables to this publication prior to clients subscribing to channels that want to listen for database changes.

We strongly encourage you to enable RLS on your database tables and have RLS policies in place to prevent unauthorized parties from accessing your data."

Find More Information here

Using the new Register method:

var channel = supabase.Realtime.Channel("public-users");
channel.Register(new PostgresChangesOptions("public", "users"));
channel.AddPostgresChangeHandler(ListenType.All, (sender, change) =>
    switch (change.Event)
        case EventType.Insert:
            // User has been created
        case EventType.Update:
            // User has been updated
        case EventType.Delete:
            // User has been deleted
await channel.Subscribe();


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Note that the latest versions of supabase/realtime expect to be able to access a subdomain matching the tenant. For the case of testing, this means that realtime-dev.localhost:4000 should be available. To have tests run locally, please add a hosts entry on your system for: realtime-dev.localhost