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Supermemo User Stories #49

Open rajlego opened 4 years ago

rajlego commented 4 years ago

Recently, I spoke to someone from a prominent blog about SuperMemo and he basically asked for proof that SuperMemo is worthwhile in terms of people who had highly significant provable success from using it. Since sample size of IR users (amongst people I know) is small, it's hard to find anyone too far out there so I couldn't really give him anything (though he was still interested because I explained exactly this).

It could be of merit to collect the experiences and successes of people like Aria from the SM discord. If I entice a newcomer into beginning with SuperMemo, he has to go ahead and persevere based on my promises that the software works. If we instead have stories from users showing that there is some real, tangible outcome to sticking with it maybe it would help people realize that it's a worthwhile software before they get to the point where they can realize it for themselves.

Beyond that, we could also add in stories from people in various fields for people to see how SuperMemo contributed to their success. In particular, I was thinking earlier about how I would convince a researcher to start using SuperMemo. I know various programmers and medical students that use SuperMemo but I can't think of a single researcher. I can make lots and lots of promises about how it can benefit their research but them learning it on that alone is hard. Having a real user story from a real researcher could make it much easier to display the merit of SuperMemo.

Could possibly be integrated with SuperMemo Guides mentioned in issue #2, maybe have people write guides as well as their own experience story.

Zelss commented 4 years ago

How would you convince a researcher to use SM? SM does not provide the same functions as research packages e.g. Mendely or Refworks. SM Is not designed for that. Unless a plugin is designed, it wont attract researchers.

rajlego commented 4 years ago

Could you describe in more detail what those softwares provide? If they’re really that important then maybe we could replicate them. I still think though SM is plenty useful for research because incremental learning/neural creativity/incremental problem solving and other such features

Zelss commented 4 years ago

This video shows how mendely is used. They can use SM for IR. but for reference management quick search and insert pdfs etc. they wont find it useful.

rajlego commented 4 years ago

Ah, I get what you mean. While it would be nice if SM could provide that same functionality, I think there's nothing preventing you from using IR for learning while using research software for other things.