supraniti / Lean-Mean-Drag-and-Drop

Drag&Drop Sorting and Reordering script for complex nested structures
MIT License
116 stars 25 forks source link

React compatibility #15

Closed klusurf closed 6 years ago

klusurf commented 6 years ago

Are there any examples on how to integrate LMDD (which I think is fantastic) with React? Or do you know of any compatible React wrappers out there? Thanks!

jlarmstrongiv commented 6 years ago

I’m also curious about integrating with React

Angular and React integration is pretty much the same, examples will be added to this section later on.

The readme mentions examples will be added later on. In the meantime, a quick codesandbox would be really helpful if anyone could whip one up 🙂

supraniti commented 6 years ago

i have taken a small 'todo app' from code-pen and integrated it with lmdd you can find the modified example here: and the original pen is here:

integration steps:

  1. i added a ref on the app main render function (ref="lmdd") this is for accessing the dom element and setting up the lmdd instance
  2. i added the setup functin and an event listener on componentDidMount() hook using the ref from step 1 to locate the dom element, initializing lmdd instance with my desired settings
  3. this is enough for the drag and drop functionality to take place, but we also want to update the component state after each succesful drag event, so i also added an event listener and a callback function to update the component state after each succesful drag operation and that's about it...