surmon-china / videojs-player

@videojs player component for @vuejs(3) and React.
MIT License
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关于flv格式视频不能播放的问题 #202

Open lvzhu opened 6 years ago

lvzhu commented 6 years ago

播放flv格式视频时,video-flash.swf加载不了,报The "flash" tech is undefined. Skipped browser support check for that tech.这个错,请问该如何解决。谢谢!

anitakym commented 6 years ago

have you installed 'videojs-flash' and import it ? if you do, have u set .techOrder = ['flash'] ?

gy95 commented 6 years ago

have you installed 'videojs-flash' and import it ? if you do, have u set .techOrder = ['flash'] ?

VIDEOJS: ERROR: The "flash" tech is undefined. Skipped browser support check for that tech. VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) No compatible source was found for this media. i did as follows: npm install --save videojs-flash import 'videojs-flash' but errors do you know reasons?

gy95 commented 6 years ago

@lvzhu 大兄弟这问题解决了吗,我也遇到了。求解答

jiujiaoaqila commented 5 years ago

我也遇到这个问题了,import 'videojs-flash'和techOrder = ['flash']都设置,但是还是说flash未定义,求解

Liqi12345 commented 5 years ago
