A biomedical calculator for the body mass index (BMI) and other parameters.
These test cases were written on paper before implementing the tests.
We are going to try with valid and invalid values for both parameters.
Here we want to try with bmi values that are in the bounds of each category, values that are not in the bounds, and invalid values.
- bmi < 0, it has to throw an error
- bmi = 0, it has to throw an error
- bmi = 15.87, it has to return UNDERWEIGHT
- bmi = 18.49, it has to return UNDERWEIGHT
- bmi = 20.64, it has to return NORMAL
- bmi = 18.5, it has to return NORMAL
- bmi = 24.9, it has to return NORMAL
- bmi = 27.34, it has to return OVERWEIGHT
- bmi = 25, it has to return OVERWEIGHT
- bmi = 29.9, it has to return OVERWEIGHT
- Bmi = 45.98, it has to return OBESE
- bmi = 30.0, it has to return OBESE
We are going to try with valid and invalid values of both parameters, checking also that the method does not discriminate between lower case and upper case. We are also testing what happens when the waistCircumference for each gender takes the limit value (80 for females, 90 for males).
- waistCircumference = -1, gender = 'M', it has to throw an error
- waistCircumference = -1, gender = 'F', it has to throw an error
- waistCircumference = 0, gender = 'M', it has to throw an error
- waistCircumference = 0, gender = 'F', it has to throw an error
- waistCircumference > 1000, gender = 'M', it has to throw an error
- waistCircumference > 1000, gender = 'F', it has to throw an error
- waistCircumference = 170, gender = 'g', it has to throw an error
- waistCircumference = 170, gender = 'm', it has to return TRUE
- waistCircumference = 60, gender = 'f', it has to return FALSE
- waistCircumference = 90, gender = 'F', it has to return TRUE
- waistCircumference = 80, gender = 'F', it has to return FALSE
- waistCircumference = 70, gender = 'F', it has to return FALSE
- waistCircumference = 100, gender = 'M', it has to return TRUE
- waistCircumference = 90, gender = 'M', it has to return FALSE
- waistCircumference = 76, gender = 'M', it has to return FALSE
Name: Determine Abdominal Obesity
Primary Actor: User
Main Goal: The user wants to determine if he/she has abdominal obesity using the health calculator system.
Scope: Health calculator’s system
Level: User Goal
Stakeholders and interests:
Precondition: The user knows his/her waist circumference and gender.
Minimal Guarantee: The system will display the result to the user in a clear format, indicating whether they have abdominal obesity or not. In case of an error, the system will communicate it on the screen.
Success Guarantee: The user receives valuable information that can help improve their health and well-being.
Trigger: The user selects the option to determine if they have abdominal obesity.
Main Success Scenario:
Alternate scenarios:
User stories
As a [role] I want [sw feature] So that [benefit]
Given [initial condition] When [events occur] Then [expected outcome]
As a user
I want to calculate my BMI
So that I will know if I have a healthy weight or not.
Scenario 1: The weight is invalid
Given that I want to calculate my BMI
When I input a weight equal to -70 and that I select the option BMI
Then the calculator shows an error message saying that the weight is invalid
Scenario 2: The height is invalid
Given that I want to calculate my BMI
When I input a height equal to -1.7 and that I select the option BMI
Then the calculator shows an error message saying that the weight is invalid
Scenario 3: Both values are correct
Given that I want to calculate my BMI
When I enter weight = 60 and I enter height = 1.68 and select the option BMI
Then the calculator gives me the value BMI = 21.258503401
As a user
I want to determine my category according to my BMI.
So that I will know if I am in a healthy category or not.
Scenario 1: Valid category
Given that I want to determine my category
When I input my weight
Then the system computes the BMI and returns the category
w | h | c |
70 | 1.95 | UNDERWEIGHT |
65 | 1.68 | NORMAL |
94.6| 1.87 | OVERWEIGHT |
100.2| 1.77 | OBESE |
The BMI value is computed by the system before determining the category. So any error produced when calculating the BMI value will be treated in that scenario. That is why we do not take into account error scenarios in this user story.
As a user
I want to determine if I have abdominal obesity according to my waist circumference and gender
So that I will know whether I must change my diet and exercise.
Scenario 1: Male determines abdominal obesity
Given that I want to determine if I have abdominal obesity
When I input my waist circumference of
Then the system returns a message saying:
w | r |
95 | you have abdominal obesity |
75 | you do not have abdominal obesity |
Scenario 2: Female determines abdominal obesity
Given that I want to determine if I have abdominal obesity
When I input my waist circumference of
Then the system returns a message saying:
w | r |
95 | you have abdominal obesity |
75 | you do not have abdominal obesity |
Scenario 3: Wrong waist circumference value
Given that I want to determine if I have abdominal obesity
When I input a waist circumference of -5 cm and gender "F" into the abdominal obesity determination feature
Then the system returns an error message saying "Invalid waist circumference value"
Scenario 4: Wrong gender
Given that I want to determine if I have abdominal obesity
When I enter my waist circumference of 80 cm and gender value 's'
Then the system returns an error message saying "Invalid gender character"
Graphic interface prototype:
Graphic interface implementation: