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Add calendar page with Jekyll posts and exportable ICAL feed #275

Open jwflory opened 4 years ago

jwflory commented 4 years ago


Add a calendar page to website to showcase events and opportunities to participate


A common, public calendar is a helpful way to bring together the different Working Groups and give people a place to look for what they can get involved with and participate right now. A calendar helps facilitate this and makes it easier for new folks to jump in where the activity and heat is.

@ct-martin implemented a cool Jekyll-based calendar for the FOSS@RIT and RITlug websites. Each event is a Jekyll post with a date and time. There is also an option to specify ICAL syntax to create recurring events (as documented here).


Some examples of this work were done here:


jdorfman commented 4 years ago

I love it. Superfast.

Community can help build and curate a calendar

How do they add/remove/edit?

jwflory commented 4 years ago

How do they add/remove/edit?

Updating Markdown files in the repository. It requires some comfort in navigating/editing with GitHub web interface or editing locally and committing with git in the command-line. It also needs documentation for the ICAL rules, because that part is funky to write for things like recurring events.

jdorfman commented 4 years ago

@jwflory I think this is a negative. I don't see a lot of people (besides you and me) using this feature. Maybe in the future?

jwflory commented 4 years ago

The best advantage of this is the exportable ICS file created on the website. If that is not useful, then this suggestion can be dropped since it is sort of a Jekyll hack.

Anyone using a calendar app like Google Calendar, Outlook 365, etc. can import the common calendar into their calendar app and subscribe for updates. It is a creative way to maintain a community-curated calendar, but it does have a maintenance cost of complexity. It needs good docs.

jdorfman commented 4 years ago

but it does have a maintenance cost of complexity

That is my fear. I'm a "no", but if others feel strongly then the "I's" have it. =)

RichardLitt commented 3 years ago

At the moment, I have a Google Calendar that I try and update. Perhaps I should just link that on the website? It reduces complexity significantly.

RichardLitt commented 2 years ago

I don't think this is currently linked. @jwflory Any reason for closing this?

jwflory commented 2 years ago

@RichardLitt Ah, I closed this because the original implementation (calendars managed as Jekyll posts) seemed unviable. But embedding a Google Calendar or something else makes sense, and would be easier and more straightforward than this Jekyll-based way. Sorry for the inconvenience of closing. 😅

RichardLitt commented 2 years ago

No worries. :) I should just link it, but I want to wait until we do a bit more work on our usergroups. Hold tight.