svar-widgets / grid

Svelte datagrid component. Lightweight, fast, feature-rich.
MIT License
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svelte 5 support #1

Open greendesertsnow opened 1 week ago

greendesertsnow commented 1 week ago

Hey there, I know it's too early to ask for that but I'm getting the following error with the current version (1.3.3)

node_modules/wx-svelte-core/src/components/Button.svelte:12:23 Declaring or accessing a prop starting with $$ is illegal (they are reserved for Svelte internals)

Would it be too cumbersome to upgrade the Svelte version to 5

mkozhukh commented 4 days ago

We have just published wx-svelte-grid@2.0.0-beta-2, which is compatible with Svelte 5.x. The final version and updated documentation will be available in the next few days.

mkozhukh commented 4 days ago

Quick update - use version wx-svelte-grid@2.0.0-beta-3 for SvelteKit support

sbscan commented 4 days ago


how to bin api (or init) - it's not bindable I think