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Every time I deploy a new version of website it returns "ERR_ABORTED 404" #1802

Open brightchip opened 2 years ago

brightchip commented 2 years ago

I don't know whenever I changed my code and redeploy the site. Some of the pages return error like this:

"https://....client/index.2f1c772d.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404" And if the page inside an iFrame, the frame would be a blank page. I tried purge all the cache from Cloudflare but no result And the error keeps for more than several weeks

I had to rename my website's domain every time deploying the website

ricardogpsf commented 2 years ago

I'm facing the same issue. Some js files return 404. I need to clear my browser cache after a new deploy. =(

Do you have any news about it @brightchip?

jubbs commented 2 years ago

Same issue here. Any workaround?

brightchip commented 2 years ago

I forgot how I fixed that (It seems to be caused by the style inside \<head>, So I removed all the style and js links from third party and host all of them inside the same webserver) .