svenhb / GRBL-Plotter

A GCode sender (not only for lasers or plotters) for up to two GRBL controller. SVG, DXF, HPGL import. 6 axis DRO.
GNU General Public License v3.0
647 stars 172 forks source link

Loading gcode files and entering gcode manual #387

Closed gpiotr1 closed 3 months ago

gpiotr1 commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug I use the machine as a hobby and quite rarely. Last year (2023) with early versions of 1.7 I had an error where I couldn't load the gcode file into the program. When I open a file. ngc, nothing happens in the code window (it is empty), the preview window is occupied (windows circle icon). The same thing happens when I switch to code editing mode - the background turns yellow, I enter the code and I can't exit the editing mode (nothing happens). Everything works OK on my other computers (windows 11, windows 10, Intel processors). The computer that controls the machine is a tiny old HP t620 running an AMD GX-415GA SOC. Windows 10Pro 22H2. The computer is only used to operate the machine. When I first encountered this problem, I downgraded grbl-plotter, but it didn't help. I reinstalled a clean Windows 10 system - the program started working properly even in the latest version. When Windows automatically deployed the updates, the problem returned. The currently used version of the program is I don't know at what point the program stopped working, after which update was installed (after installing a clean system from the image, there were several dozen of them) grbl-plotter is the best program of this type and I don't want to change it :) Great job!

svenhb commented 3 months ago

Do you see any error messages in the logfile? image

gpiotr1 commented 3 months ago

The log is clean - no errors, but I noticed something else. When I open the file - the program does not open it. I click File->Setup, then the program 'thinks' for about 10 seconds. After this time, an options window opens and the previously loaded file opens in the background. Without clicking on options, I can wait for 10 minutes and nothing happens. logfile2.txt logfile3.txt logfile.txt

svenhb commented 3 months ago

Yes, not much to see, except the huge delay... You may enable extend logging, by clicking into the marked area - just settings as shown should be enough... image

gpiotr1 commented 3 months ago

Another observation - When I click on "edit mode" - the program switches to the "yellow" mode. I click "edit mode" again - the program hangs. I click on File->Options and after 10 seconds the program switches to working mode. I loaded a simple gcode file - 10x10mm square. I ran the program - it executed once. When I tried to run it for the second time, the head moved to z=0 and the program hung. log_20240322.11.txt Generally, the File->Options menu opens for about 10 seconds each time. When I try to generate a code from an image, the program also does not respond, but when I enter the options, the code is displayed after 10 seconds.

Extended Logging (simple operations) logfile4.txt

gpiotr1 commented 3 months ago

Entering file->options 'refreshes' the program. I started drawing a 'square'. The program hung up while it was being executed (if I had the laser turned on, I would probably have a hole in the table). I clicked file->options and after 10 seconds the machine started and finished executing the code. logfile5.txt

Thank you very much for your interest in my problem and for your attention!

svenhb commented 3 months ago

Can you try to run the setup and choose "Installation for me" - the 2nd option? Perhaps it is a windows-rights problem...

gpiotr1 commented 3 months ago

I'm sorry I haven't talked to you, but I was away from home for a few days. Installation only for the user brought results - the application works and controls the machine. It still hangs when trying to generate gcode from the system font (I tried it as a test). Options open in about 3-4 seconds. I'm just learning how to generate code directly from the program. Previously, I only had a milling machine, now I have a second handle on which I attach a laser or a drag knife. Once again, many thanks for your help!