svenssonaxel / pdf-sign

A tool to sign PDF files. With Linux support.
MIT License
118 stars 3 forks source link
pdf pdf-document-processor pdf-sign pdf-signer pdf-signing



A tool to sign PDF files, with Linux support. We are here referring to the visible, non-cryptographic squiggles.


First, create one or several signatures in the form of small PDF files with transparent backgrounds. The recommended way is:

You can now use the pdf-sign tool interactively (or non-interactively) to sign PDF files. The GUI is self documented and allows both keyboard-only and pointer-only operation.

Run pdf-sign -h, pdf-create-empty -h or pdf-from-text -h for details.


Installation on Debian

apt-get update
apt-get install -y coreutils git python3 python3-tk ghostscript pdftk poppler-utils
git clone
cd pdf-sign
cp pdf-sign pdf-create-empty pdf-from-text /usr/local/bin/

Related use cases


There appears to be a lack of applications that run on Linux and allow for attaching free-hand signatures to PDF files in a good way.

(Non-)alternatives include: