Open GISman-Lee opened 6 years ago
The "carto_db_development" is the central db and used for user management. The carto server is running in development mode, that is why the database is called "carto_db_development". Each user/organization has its own database to store datasets. You will need to map the username/organization name to a database by querying "carto_db_development" db. See how the user database of the geocoder is retrieved.
The postgres
user is used because it can connect to any database without problems so it is easiest to use the postgres
The PostgreSQL has been configured to trust local users so no need for password.
So to connect to a database of a user for example dev
user do:
docker exec -ti <name of carto container> bash
USER_DB=`echo "SELECT database_name FROM users WHERE username='dev'" | psql -U postgres -t carto_db_development`
psql -U postgres $USER_DB
Thanks a lot Mr.Sverhoeven, this really helps !!!
By the way, is there any way to access to postgresql in the container from outside apps ? I saw an older thread where it said it's not possible ??
Actually is it possible to modify the DOCKFILE, from "EXPOSE 80" to "EXPOSE 80 5432" and then rebuild to achieve this ?
Thank you
The current Dockerfile uses the default PostgreSQL configuration which does not allow remote PostgreSQL connections. So the PostgreSQL configuration needs to be changed as well as exposing 5432 in Docker.
Hi Serhoeven,
I've investigated the final solution which I would like to share to everyone.
git clone
to download the docker-cartodb.gitsudo docker build -t=sverhoeven/cartodb docker-cartodb/
to build.sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 5431:5432 -h <servers-external-ip-address> sverhoeven/cartodb
sudo docker exec -ti <name of carto container> bash
vi /etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf
, then change listen_addresses = '*'vi /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf
, then add host all all trust
at the end of the file./etc/init.d/postgresql restart
This will work !!!! And we can access to pg within carto container via port 5431.
Hi Sverhoeven,
May I ask what is the dbname, username and password to access to the postgresql inside the docker ? I found "carto_db_development', 'postgres' and '' in the config file, which seems to be not right ?