svermeulen / vim-easyclip

Simplified clipboard functionality for Vim
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Issue with install #98

Closed kirkins closed 7 years ago

kirkins commented 7 years ago

I'm using vundle and this is one of the first plugins I'm installing.

I added:

Plugin 'tpope/vim-repeat'
Plugin 'vim-easyclip'

To my ~/.vimrcand then ran :PluginInstallfrom inside vim. It said it worked but I'm running two new instances of vim split screen and each seems to have a seperate buffer when I use yank.

Any ideas on how I can debug?

kirkins commented 7 years ago

Ok I've read over the README and see that I need to enable:


Where to I input this? I did:g:EasyClipShareYanksfrom inside a vim file but it said pattern not found.

svermeulen commented 7 years ago

Hey, sorry for the late response.

You can enable shared yanks by including this in your .vimrc:

let g:EasyClipShareYanks = 1