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Text SVGs: Store letters in one place, refer to them #1684

Open nschloe opened 2 years ago

nschloe commented 2 years ago

I often have to deal with SVG images that contain mostly text, i.e., letters as paths. Letters repeat, and so do the paths, only with a different offset.

Is it possible to store the individual letters, for example in <defs>, and just <use> them in the text with a given offset transform? This could be done for every path that coincides with another modulo translation/rotation/scaling.

An extreme example:


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         d="m 208.7417,299.33432 c 1.41277,0 2.58855,-0.79297 3.32683,-2.23307 h 0.33724 c -0.11849,1.02995 -0.0273,2.13281 2.44271,2.13281 h 0.9935 l 0.36458,-2.08724 h -0.4375 c -1.00261,0 -1.25782,-0.25521 -1.11198,-1.11198 l 1.15755,-6.64454 h -0.22786 c -5.53257,0 -9.70705,2.84375 -9.70705,7.22787 0,1.72266 1.03906,2.71615 2.86198,2.71615 z m 0.59245,-2.34245 c -0.63802,0 -0.92969,-0.27344 -0.92969,-0.875 0,-2.11459 1.89584,-3.79167 4.47527,-4.26563 l -0.20964,1.21224 c -0.4375,2.50651 -1.74088,3.92839 -3.33594,3.92839 z"
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         d="m 219.67923,299.33432 c 1.41276,0 2.58854,-0.79297 3.32682,-2.23307 h 0.33724 c -0.11849,1.02995 -0.0273,2.13281 2.44272,2.13281 h 0.99349 l 0.36458,-2.08724 h -0.4375 c -1.0026,0 -1.25781,-0.25521 -1.11198,-1.11198 l 1.15755,-6.64454 h -0.22786 c -5.53256,0 -9.70705,2.84375 -9.70705,7.22787 0,1.72266 1.03907,2.71615 2.86199,2.71615 z m 0.59244,-2.34245 c -0.63802,0 -0.92968,-0.27344 -0.92968,-0.875 0,-2.11459 1.89583,-3.79167 4.47526,-4.26563 l -0.20963,1.21224 c -0.4375,2.50651 -1.74089,3.92839 -3.33595,3.92839 z"
         id="path867" />
         d="m 230.61674,299.33432 c 1.41276,0 2.58855,-0.79297 3.32683,-2.23307 h 0.33724 c -0.11849,1.02995 -0.0273,2.13281 2.44271,2.13281 h 0.99349 l 0.36459,-2.08724 h -0.4375 c -1.00261,0 -1.25782,-0.25521 -1.11198,-1.11198 l 1.15755,-6.64454 h -0.22787 c -5.53256,0 -9.70704,2.84375 -9.70704,7.22787 0,1.72266 1.03906,2.71615 2.86198,2.71615 z m 0.59245,-2.34245 c -0.63802,0 -0.92969,-0.27344 -0.92969,-0.875 0,-2.11459 1.89584,-3.79167 4.47527,-4.26563 l -0.20964,1.21224 c -0.4375,2.50651 -1.74089,3.92839 -3.33594,3.92839 z"
         id="path869" />
         d="m 241.55426,299.33432 c 1.41277,0 2.58855,-0.79297 3.32683,-2.23307 h 0.33724 c -0.11849,1.02995 -0.0273,2.13281 2.44272,2.13281 h 0.99349 l 0.36458,-2.08724 h -0.4375 c -1.00261,0 -1.25781,-0.25521 -1.11198,-1.11198 l 1.15755,-6.64454 h -0.22786 c -5.53256,0 -9.70705,2.84375 -9.70705,7.22787 0,1.72266 1.03906,2.71615 2.86198,2.71615 z m 0.59245,-2.34245 c -0.63802,0 -0.92969,-0.27344 -0.92969,-0.875 0,-2.11459 1.89584,-3.79167 4.47527,-4.26563 l -0.20963,1.21224 c -0.4375,2.50651 -1.74089,3.92839 -3.33595,3.92839 z"
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nschloe commented 2 years ago

I just found that nano does just that.

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