swe574-spring23 / SWE574

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BUG - Annotation Creator #176

Closed sehmuzc closed 10 months ago

sehmuzc commented 10 months ago

When I make a text annotation in production environment the creator value is not set. function saveAnnotation does not have creator part. When I make an image annotation in production environment the annotation author is set as post author but it should be requesting user. Creator field should be corrected both in text and image annotations.

                'body': {
                    'type': 'TextualBody',
                    'value': annotation,
                    'format': 'text/plain',
                    'creator': '{{post.author}}'
sehmuzc commented 10 months ago
    function saveImageAnnotation(post_id, post_text, type, creator) {

<button onclick="saveImageAnnotation('{{ post.id }}', '{{ post.text }}', '{{ post.type }}', '{{ user.username }}')">Save Annotation</button>

function saveImageAnnotation(post_id, post_text, type, creator) {
    const annotation = document.getElementById('annotation').value;
    let data = {
        '@context': 'http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld',
        'type': 'Annotation',
        'body': {
            'type': 'TextualBody',
            'value': annotation,
            'format': 'text/plain',
            'creator': creator
SahinKapan commented 10 months ago


It is fixed by this commit.