swirldev / swirl_courses

:mortar_board: A collection of interactive courses for the swirl R package.
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?chain for help does not work #506

Open nighrv opened 2 years ago

nighrv commented 2 years ago

About line 205 in learn.yaml, the instructions say this: Output: "In this script, we've used a special chaining operator, %>%, which was originally introduced in the magrittr R package and has now become a key component of dplyr. You can pull up the related documentation with ?chain. The benefit of %>% is that it allows us to chain the function calls in a linear fashion. The code to the right of %>% operates on the result from the code to the left of %>%.\n\nOnce again, just try to understand the code, then type submit() to continue."

The help is actually found with ?magrittr .

If you want to find out more about the "chain" operator, click on the %>% operator which is described as "pipe".