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Session presentations for Coding Dojo Vienna
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Coding Dojos 2018 #36

Closed dertseha closed 5 years ago

dertseha commented 6 years ago



2015 listed in #4 2016 listed in #5 2017 listed in #19

dertseha commented 6 years ago

Welp, new year is upon us. Any immediate volunteers? January is just around the corner, would be good to settle that one first.

dertseha commented 6 years ago

Also, from past experiences it seems that having a topic set up for a dojo beforehand helps people to decide whether or not to join. This doesn't mean the exercise itself must be defined, only the main focus (e.g.: refactoring, object calesthenics, testing legacy, SOLID, ...) should be visible in the invitation.

Having a topic for the whole year doesn't work out so well :)

edit: #27 has some good hints.

duffleit commented 6 years ago

Hi, to avoid abusing issues for discussions, Github introduced a new feature last month called team discussions. Probably this is more suitable to discuss about Sessions for 2018. :) https://github.com/blog/2471-introducing-team-discussions

dertseha commented 6 years ago

Hm. In our case these issues are bound per year and give a nice overview which month is taken by whom. I don't expect that people can modify posts from other people. In the current case, I could update Peter's first post for instance to update people's assignments.

So far I'm not convinced :)

ernst-fastl commented 6 years ago

I just assumed it is "first come first served" and grabbed Feb, May and Sept

xbojch commented 6 years ago

Get it while it’s hot. I‘d like to take March and June. Maybe more later. I‘m a bit sad that January has passed without a dojo.

codecop commented 6 years ago

With @paulroho and @mlem busy, I guess we are not enough facilitators. I can host/run a dojo, but I need a room. Any ideas?

xbojch commented 6 years ago

Our „room“ is available for any given month.

codecop commented 6 years ago

Thank you but then you need to be there as host at least. That does not feel right to me in distributing the work. Also I do not want to overstretch hosts. But yes, a real option of last resort of course.

mlem commented 6 years ago

I've been loaded with work lately. I can take April and July, until then I should finish my project.

We are ready to host coding dojos with you as moderator, @codecop Just tell me which day and time and I'll take care of it.

ernst-fastl commented 6 years ago

I am also happy to host additional Dojos. One of my colleagues is interested in learning how to facilitate Dojo's. After some learning I think he could also take over some facilitation.

codecop commented 6 years ago

Thank you all for your support. It looks like I can use Markhof Coworking https://markhof.wien/ as host for coding dojo. I will see when the time is here.

dertseha commented 6 years ago

@ernst-fastl are you setting up the ads today - for the dojo next week?

ernst-fastl commented 6 years ago

done - btw I am using Tweetdeck (although I am a rookie)

dertseha commented 6 years ago

Great, thank you. Tweet sent. I've also invited you, Ernst, as a member of the SWK Twitter team. As such (using Tweetdeck), you can tweet as this user, including likes and retweets. Tweetdeck will always ask you for such operations as which user(s) you want to do that. My recommendation: Set for your SWK membership the "require confirmation for tweet" option. This way you need to tick an extra checkbox before you tweet as SWK. Good for double checks.

xbojch commented 6 years ago

I’m planning a dojo on 27th of March. Will probably prepare a refactoring or covering with tests kata. Open for suggestions.

paulroho commented 6 years ago

Cool, @xbojch! "Covering with tests kata" triggers my interest.

codecop commented 6 years ago

Yes me too. I am looking for katas to add test cases other than Gilded Rose, which is awesome for this. still...

dertseha commented 6 years ago

@xbojch if you have settled on the main points (such as date, topic), please set up the appointment. The sooner we can get the ads out, the easier people can align their schedule to that.

xbojch commented 6 years ago

Yes, 27th it is. I'll prepare the announcements today and then ask you to share.

xbojch commented 6 years ago

Prepared the announcement and doodle. Will send it out and tweet in the morning to increase the reach. Please share it later.

https://www.softwerkskammer.org/activities/CodingDojoVie20180327 https://doodle.com/poll/533engeqkg7rnraw

xbojch commented 6 years ago

@codecop I was thinking about this kata from Sandro https://github.com/sandromancuso/trip-service-kata

The other idea was to collect common code smells and work backwards from refactoring recipes to create a sample code that smells bad and can be refactored nicely.

mlem commented 6 years ago

As mentioned already, I was planning to do a coding dojo in April. If you have prepared something for April, feel free to take it @codecop. We are ready to host either you or me :smile_cat:

codecop commented 6 years ago

@mlem yes please take April if you are ok/sure to run it. I have not prepared anything yet.

dertseha commented 6 years ago

@xbojch please add your session to the repository @mlem Can you already fix the date and topic for April? The earlier we can start advertising, the better.

mlem commented 6 years ago

Hi Christian,

can you help me setup the Coding Dojo for 26.04.2018? I will do a special dojo, where I want to show and use docker to do a small microservice setup. I don't know yet, if I should do the first session as a show case or let everyone do the exercise right away. I can decide at hand based on the experience of the group.

We will do a special dojo where we do a small microservice setup with docker. If you bring your Laptop, please install docker beforehand. Make sure to run the whole installation instructions. There will be two sessions.

17:45 Arrival 18:00 Opening Talk 18:10 First Session 18:55 First Retro 19:00 Pause 19:10 Second Session 19:55 Second Retro 20:00 End

Thanks in advance. Cheers, Martin

codecop commented 6 years ago

Martin, I like that you always have novel ideas. Unfortunately I am not in Austria at that time.

Maybe you can find an intro exercise that just verifies the Docker setup for the participants. That would be 1. super small Intro to Docker + verify setup. Second session could work on top of that. Alternatively you might provide step 1 on Github for people to clone if their step 1 does not work.

dertseha commented 6 years ago

@mlem do you want me to set up the SWK entry? Which installation instructions shall be followed? Do you have a link?

mlem commented 6 years ago

Hi christian,

I already did everything, can you just assist me with the newsletter and promotion?


dertseha commented 6 years ago

done. https://twitter.com/swkWien/status/984503910986584064

mlem commented 6 years ago

@bojan I have a question for you. Can I take your presentation as a template? There are some nice starting slides, which I would like to use. Otherwise I need to recreate them again.

dertseha commented 6 years ago

@mlem are you talking about these: https://swkwien.github.io/intro/ (which have been the same since day 1, years ago? ;) ) ...apparently not as publicly known though...

xbojch commented 6 years ago

Yes @mlem I also borrowed them from the intro presentation :)

mlem commented 6 years ago

YEEEEESSSSS! I didn't know that. Great thx

dertseha commented 6 years ago

@ernst-fastl May is upon us. Is you offer still up for this month? If so, when do you think you can nail the date and possibly the topic so we can start advertising?

codecop commented 6 years ago

I would like to test-run a new topic (constraint targeting temporal coupling) but I have no time slot and no location...

dertseha commented 6 years ago

@codecop What do you mean with "no time slot"? (Location is easily fixed, there have been several offers, and at FRQ also easily possible) Are you not free in the available months?

codecop commented 6 years ago

@dertseha thank you. I am free, just too lazy to take a slot ;-)

dertseha commented 6 years ago

I've just picked July & August at FRQ. @codecop do you want to facilitate one of them?

codecop commented 6 years ago

Yes I would like. FRQ suits me well. Maybe we run it together.

mlem commented 6 years ago

I thought I would do July :(

dertseha commented 6 years ago

Ah, right - the main post wasn't updated (you should have rights ?).

I've put you, @mlem , up then for July. So, @codecop, if you still want to do it at FRQ, the earliest would be August :)

codecop commented 6 years ago

Hm, maybe I am a rebel and just have another one in May. Before we discuss who is allowed to host when, maybe it is time for biweekly Coding Dojo again?

dertseha commented 6 years ago

(I have no idea how well this looks in a notification email, bear with me)

Brothers and sisters, today is the 15th of May. The first day of the planetary alignment and we are still no nearer to discovering the location of the next dojo. It seems, we are running out of time. This is not acceptable. @ernst-fastl , your explanation for this, please?


(Thank you of giving me the opportunity to do this - had to wait 17 years for the right moment ;) )

ernst-fastl commented 6 years ago

Hi guys,

I am very sorry but I am insanely busy at the moment and won't be able to prepare and facilitate a Dojo in May. We can provide the location if that helps.

cheers Ernst

dertseha commented 6 years ago

@ernst-fastl ok, thank you for the info - all the best! Anyone else want to jump in ad-hoc? I'm on holiday next week. I'd also be fine if we did the "May" dojo in the first week of June, plus the regular one by Bojan.

xbojch commented 6 years ago

I can move it to second half of June. I’m on vacation end of June.

codecop commented 6 years ago

I will jump in and run May Dojo 5th of June. I will check potential location in Markhof. If it does not work out, I will make use of location sIT then. Invites will go out next monday.

xbojch commented 6 years ago

The only two possible dates for me in second part of June are Monday 18th, Tuesday 19th or Thursday 21st. What do you think, too close to 5th?

codecop commented 6 years ago

I am very sad if monthly Dojo is skipped, like it happened in January. The current workload for us facilitators is so small that we rather forget to run it. Maybe @dertseha can do June and you @xbojch do July? Two weeks seems quite near. On the other hand. it does not matter, because we always have changing days, weeks and such for the Dojos.