swoole / docker-swoole

🏄 Official Docker Image of Swoole
Apache License 2.0
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Something wrong when Install Redis extendsion #32

Closed WangNingkai closed 2 years ago

WangNingkai commented 2 years ago


liulyn commented 2 years ago

邮件已收到 谢谢!

deminy commented 2 years ago

Extension redis and _pdomysql have been added to the nightly images (built daily using the latest code of Swoole):

docker run --rm -ti phpswoole/swoole:php8.0 php --ri pdo_mysql
# ...
docker run --rm -ti phpswoole/swoole:php8.2 php --ri redis

The two extensions won't be added to existing version-based images (e.g., 4.8.11 and 5.0.0), but they will be added to new images (4.8.12+ and 5.0.1+).

If you need to add the two extensions manually to an existing Docker image:

# ...

    set -ex && \
    docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql && \
    pecl channel-update pecl.php.net && \
    pecl install --configureoptions 'enable-redis-igbinary="no" enable-redis-lzf="no" enable-redis-zstd="no"' redis-stable && \
    docker-php-ext-enable redis

# ...