sxhxliang / detectron2_backbone

detectron2 backbone: resnet18, efficientnet, hrnet, mobilenet v2, resnest, bifpn
212 stars 41 forks source link

pretrained model issue "resnet18_detectron2.pth" #9

Open GuoHaoren opened 3 years ago

GuoHaoren commented 3 years ago

Hi sxhxliang,

May I ask about how you get the model "resnet18_detectron2.pth" you used in "WEIGHTS: "your_path/resnet18_detectron2.pth"".

Best regards, Haoren

VGrondin commented 3 years ago

Ever found out how? I am a bit confused how to use this code. Even the .yaml file I dont really know where to start. If you have any insight it would be appreciated!