sylikc / pyexiftool

PyExifTool (active PyPI project) - A Python library to communicate with an instance of Phil Harvey's ExifTool command-line application. Runs one process with special -stay_open flag, and pipes data to/from. Much more efficient than running a subprocess for each command!
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Add versioning information directly to module #34

Closed sylikc closed 2 years ago

sylikc commented 2 years ago

@jangop I see an issue opened with the original source , and I've read through the PEP but wasn't sure how to do it exactly...

Where does __version__ go? Does it go into or does it go like into the top of the different py files... or does it go into the class level? like in the ExifTool class?

I think the PEP 396 referenced is outdated (it's marked as Rejected)... latest I believe is PEP 440

It's unclear where I would put the version information... any clues?

jangop commented 2 years ago

It goes into; the top-level one that describes the module.

I suppose other things, such as classes, could have their own __version__s, but I don't know about that. It's surely not what you want. ☺️

Ideally, the version should only be specified in exactly one place, and so for packaging (which you are doing with this project), there is info on Single-sourcing the package version. version = attr: package.__version__ seems nice enough. ☺️

sylikc commented 2 years ago

thanks for the help. I guess I'm definitely doing it wrong in one of my other personal projects... I have __version__ tags like everywhere... package, module, class . . .

sylikc commented 2 years ago

closed by d94ff05547b4fb05a019b306b64320d90ae397fc

jangop commented 2 years ago

I really do not know whether __version__ is used for anything but a module's version! 🤷

Oh well. I don't remember ever seeing it used for classes.

sylikc commented 2 years ago

Yeah it's good... the way that the Python single version truth describes it, it definitely only belongs on the Package level...

Yeah... I have this big monolithic project that I put all my helper functions into, and ... whelp hehe.