sylvain-kern / tufte-style-thesis

A Tufte-styled LaTeX class for theses
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tufte-style-thesis is a LaTeX class with a design similar to Edward Tufte's works. His designs are known for their simplicty, legibleness, extensive use of sidenotes in a wide dedicated margin and tight text and graphic integration. This class is however not a rigourous copy of E.Tufte's works, it is more of an inspiration. It also includes design features from Robert Bringhurst's Elements of Typographic Style.

The overall look and features of this class can be seen in documentation.pdf, with more in-depth explanation. This is meant to typeset long documents like theses and books ; so the template is quite heavy.

Latest changes


This class' source file is tufte-style-thesis.cls, avaliable here:

The file can just be put in the same folder as your main .tex file. Overleaf users will have to do this, since it does not support custom class installation. For Windows or Linux users with an installed LaTeX distribution, please see respectively the two following sections, on how to install tufte-style-thesis on your system.

MikTeX users on Windows

  1. Create a localtexmf directory if you do not already have one, for instance

  2. Create a tex\latex\ directory in the localtexmf one, and inside it, create a folder named tufte-style-thesis.

  3. Paste the tufte-style-thesis.cls file in that tufte-style-thesis folder and you should be good. Eventually, the class file is located at

  4. Open MikTeX console, go to Settings, Directories tab. Click on add, and enter your texmf path.

  5. Finally, go to the tasks tab, and hit Refresh file name database.

tufte-style-thesis is now installed on your system ! MikTeX will recognize and find the class file without it having to be in your project folder.

TeX Live users on Linux

  1. Create a localtexmf directory if you do not already have one, for instance

  2. Create a tex/latex/ directory in the .texmf one, and inside it, create a folder named tufte-style-thesis.

  3. Paste the tufte-style-thesis.cls file in that tufte-style-thesis folder and you should be good. Eventually, the class file is located at:

    HOME/.texmf/tex/latex/tufte-style-thesis tufte-style-thesis.cls
  4. Update the texmf with

    mktexlsr $HOME/.texmf
  5. Check if it worked with

    kpsewhich tufte-style-thesis.cls

tufte-style-thesis is now installed on your system ! TeX Live will recognize and find the class file without it having to be in your project folder.


Please see the documentation for more in-depth explanations and examples. This section gives a quick overview on how to produce a simple document.

Packages already loaded

This class is already packed with packages, so check this before adding any package that may be already included.

geometry emptypage fullwidth sidenotes caption fontenc libertinus libertinust1math gillius droidsansmono ragged2e titlesec titletoc tocloft fancyhdr graphicx microtype amsfonts amsmath mathtools physics xcolor mdframed tabularx booktabs enumitem hyperref etoolbox changepage placeins xparse xpatch biblatex listings


Call the class with the following:


It inherits all options form book. There are some more options though:

Option What it does
boxey justifies paragraphs on both sides
colorful brings a little bit of color (on side notes marks and hyperlinks for example)
black all text is black (default is just page numbers blued in toc lof lot...)

Macros for titlepage

\maketitle has been customized and now displays with style:

Main document

All native LaTeX commands work with this class. However, some new macros are added to spice up the document.

Margin notes

\sidenote{<your note>} displays a numbered note in the margin.

\sidetext{<your note>} displays unnumbered text in the margin.

Figure shortcuts

Todo list

This has a todo list system. It helped me getting through the development of this class and I kept it as it seems as an useful tool to draft things on the same document.

How to use it :

A time will come when you can render a version ignoring all todo-related stuf with one option in the class declaration.


This class compiles with pdflatex. Just use:

pdflatex document.tex