szilard / GBM-perf

Performance of various open source GBM implementations
MIT License
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Spark/h2o integration - sparkling water #30

Open szilard opened 5 years ago

szilard commented 5 years ago

m5.2xlarge 8cores 30GB RAM 1M data

for comparison:

h2o 28.938 0.7623596
xgboost 12.685 0.7494959
lightgbm 6.965 0.7636987
szilard commented 5 years ago

original API:

scala> val dx_train = asH2OFrame("Month","DayofMonth","DayOfWeek","DepTime","UniqueCarrier",
     |       "Origin","Dest","Distance","dep_delayed_15min"))
dx_train: org.apache.spark.h2o.H2OFrame =
Frame key: frame_rdd_34_b0642c9b519a5b66158f83e818084ae1
   cols: 9
   rows: 1000000
 chunks: 6
   size: 57955931

scala> H2OFrameSupport.allStringVecToCategorical(dx_train)
res1: org.apache.spark.h2o.H2OFrame =
Frame key: frame_rdd_34_b0642c9b519a5b66158f83e818084ae1
   cols: 9
   rows: 1000000
 chunks: 6
   size: 12188619

scala> val elapsed = ( System.nanoTime - now )/1e9
elapsed: Double = 3.172993114
scala> val gbm_md = gbm.trainModel.get
gbm_md: hex.tree.gbm.GBMModel =

scala> elapsed
res3: Double = 28.644599689
scala> evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
res4: Double = 0.7623568809741097
szilard commented 5 years ago

Pipeline API:

with OHE:

doing 10 trees as this is slow:

scala> val gbm = new H2OGBM().setLabelCol("label").setFeaturesCol("features").
     |   setNtrees(10).setMaxDepth(10).setLearnRate(0.1)    //.setMaxBins(100)   not implemented??

scala> val model =

scala> val elapsed = ( System.nanoTime - now )/1e9
elapsed: Double = 132.769667071

slow with OHE 10 trees 136 sec vs 100 trees 28 sec (m5.2xlarge 8 cores) -- 50x

TODO: fix this (needs cast type):

val predictions = model.transform(d_test)

val evaluator = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator().setLabelCol("label").setRawPredictionCol("prediction_output").setMetricName("areaUnderROC")

// TODO:
//java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Column prediction_output must be of type equal to one of the following types: [double, struct<type:tinyint,size:int,indices:array<int>,values:array<double>>] but was actually of type struct<value:double>.
szilard commented 5 years ago

directly with cats:

scala> val gbm = new H2OGBM().setLabelCol("dep_delayed_15min").
     |   setNtrees(100).setMaxDepth(10).setLearnRate(0.1)          // .setMaxBins(100)   not implemented??

scala> val model =
model: = pipeline_679f2c3cfbeb

scala> val elapsed = ( System.nanoTime - now )/1e9
elapsed: Double = 31.183876731

TODO: fix this (needs cast type):

val predictions = model.transform(d_test)

val evaluator = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator().setLabelCol("label").setRawPredictionCol("prediction_output").setMetricName("areaUnderROC")

// TODO:
//java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Column prediction_output must be of type equal to one of the following types: [double, struct<type:tinyint,size:int,indices:array<int>,values:array<double>>] but was actually of type struct<value:double>.