taarifa / taarifa_backend

Prototype of a Taarifa backend (DEPRECATED, use TaarifaAPI)
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Taarifa Backend

|Build Status|

Prototype of a Taarifa backend, now with an added map functionality!


Install MongoDB_ and run mongod ::


If you're on a Ubuntu/Debian system and have installed MongoDB via your package manager, start the service instead ::

sudo service mongodb start

Install python dependencies using pip_ ::

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the server ::

python taarifa_backend/manage.py runserver

Run the curl_send_report script from the console to try sending a report via JSON

API work notes

The API will support the following requests:

Services: .........

Defines a report template, i.e. the set of fields which are part of the report, their type and their contraints. This is comparable to a custom form.

Create a new service ::

POST services

List services ::

GET services

Retrieve / modify / delete service service_id ::

GET services/{service_id}
UPDATE services/{service_id}
DELETE services/{service_id}

Reports: ........

The collection of information about which a report is made. Must use one previously defined service.

Create a new report ::

POST reports

List reports ::

GET reports

Retrieve / modify / delete report report_id ::

GET reports/{report_id} UPDATE reports/{report_id} DELETE reports/{report_id}

Workflow: .........

Defines a set of possible states and the possible transitions between them. Workflows can be attached to services. As a first step a workflow is just a set of states.

Create a new workflow ::

POST workflows

List workflows ::

GET workflows

Retrieve / modify / delete report report_id ::

UPDATE workflows/{workflow_id}
DELETE workflows/{workflow_id}
GET workflows/{workflow_id}

.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/taarifa/taarifa_backend.png?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/taarifa/taarifa_backend .. _Install MongoDB: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/installation/ .. _pip: http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/requirements.html