takuya-takeuchi / FaceRecognitionDotNet

The world's simplest facial recognition api for .NET on Windows, MacOS and Linux
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KNN comparer #16

Closed turowicz closed 5 years ago

turowicz commented 5 years ago

@takuya-takeuchi I see that you are comparing with O(N^2) complexity, which is fine for 1-2 known people, but when you run into 1000s of known identities that will be way too slow. In python face_recognition it is recommended to use KNN classifier in order to find the best match. It's got way better performance for bigger datasets.

turowicz commented 5 years ago

Example: https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/blob/master/examples/face_recognition_knn.py

turowicz commented 5 years ago

Looks like DlibDotNet needs this:

http://dlib.net/dlib/graph_utils/edge_list_graphs_abstract.h.html#find_k_nearest_neighbors http://dlib.net/dlib/graph_utils/find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh.h.html

turowicz commented 5 years ago

@takuya-takeuchi do you think this is something that could be done easily? I might try myself but my need guidance from you. It's very important to get a GPU-backed KNN.

takuya-takeuchi commented 5 years ago

@turowicz It is very interesting. If using KNN on FaceRecognition, we must add find_k_nearest_neighbors to DlibDotNet. Or convert https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/blob/master/examples/face_recognition_knn.py to C#. But it depends on sklearn and too difficult.

takuya-takeuchi commented 5 years ago

How to use find_k_nearest_neighbors http://dlib.net/dlib/test/linear_manifold_regularizer.cpp.html

turowicz commented 5 years ago

Yeah sklearn is impossible in C#. I'm talking to ML.NET guys but they also have no way of doing it. I think Dlib extern is the only way.

takuya-takeuchi commented 5 years ago

WIP But it requires time to implement.

takuya-takeuchi commented 5 years ago


How to train known encodings data? If there are 1 encoding data per pesson, need not to use knn. https://github.com/davisking/dlib/issues/1096

davisking said we should use knn or linear svm, but knn does not train method rather than linear svm.


Finished implementing find_k_nearest_neighbors. It could work fine. I must check it by using unit test like dlib\test\linear_manifold_regularizer.cpp

turowicz commented 5 years ago

@takuya-takeuchi thank you I will test at earliest convenience.

turowicz commented 5 years ago

@takuya-takeuchi can you point me to the class+method I should be calling?

takuya-takeuchi commented 5 years ago

Sorry. implement is done knn method on dlibdotnet. but test is not done and it should be enhanced to proper code for FaceRecognitionDotNet.

turowicz commented 5 years ago

Can you point me to the dlibdotnet class then? I can't find where you added the KNN....

turowicz commented 5 years ago


takuya-takeuchi commented 5 years ago

I pushd classical Knn implementation. https://github.com/takuya-takeuchi/FaceRecognitionDotNet/tree/feature/knn

Does it satisfy your requirements?

I see that you are comparing with O(N^2) complexity Why? I think 1:N matching should consume O(N).

turowicz commented 5 years ago

Hey @takuya-takeuchi

Unfortunately it's not as good as: https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/blob/master/examples/face_recognition_knn.py

The main difference is that they are using KNN model that has been trained and is able to produce results in less than O(N^2). It's possible they even accelerate it with GPU, but I'm not sure.

Your KNN implementation calculates distances for each element on each search, which is still O(N^2).

I will try to look for a better alternative.

takuya-takeuchi commented 5 years ago

using KNN model

Exactly. dlib function also looks like to not be able to output model data.

I will try to look for a better alternative.

I guess there is no way to achieve it except for porting sci-learn. It could difficult to port but not impossible. Fortunately, KNearestNeighbor class loos like to depend on only few classes. Needless to say, numpy is one of barrier for porting.

But Accord.NET looks goot to me. http://accord-framework.net/docs/html/T_Accord_MachineLearning_KNearestNeighbors_1.htm

It supports save and load model.

But I'm unwilling to depends on other library. The concept of FRDN is thin wrapper of face_recognition.

turowicz commented 5 years ago

No problem, thanks for your help!