Automattic/mongoose (mongoose)
### [`v5.13.21`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v5.13.20`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v5.13.19`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v5.13.18`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v5.13.17`](
[Compare Source](
- fix: backport fix for array filters handling $or and $and [#13195]( [#13192]( [#10696]( [raj-goguardian](
- fix: update the isIndexEqual function to take into account non-text indexes when checking compound indexes that include both text and non-text indexes [#13138]( [#13136]( [rdeavila94](
### [`v5.13.16`](
[Compare Source](
- fix: make access to process.versions lazy [#12584]( [maciasello](
- fix(types): add missing type definitions for `bulkSave()` [#12019](
- docs: backport documentation URL updates [#12692]( [hasezoey](
### [`v5.13.15`](
[Compare Source](
- fix: backport fix for CVE-2022-2564 [#12281]( [shubanker](
- docs: fix broken link from findandmodify method deprecation [#11366]( [laissonsilveira](
### [`v5.13.14`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(timestamps): avoid setting createdAt on documents that already exist but dont have createdAt [#11024](
- docs(models): fix up nModified example for 5.x [#11055](
### [`v5.13.13`](
[Compare Source](
- fix: upgrade to mongodb@3.7.3 [#10909]( [gaurav-sharma-gs](
- fix: correctly emit end event in before close [#10916]( [iovanom](
- fix(index.d.ts): improve ts types for query set [#10942]( [jneal-afs](
### [`v5.13.12`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(cursor): use stream destroy method on close to prevent emitting duplicate 'close' [#10897]( [iovanom](
- fix(index.d.ts): backport streamlining of FilterQuery and DocumentDefinition to avoid "excessively deep and possibly infinite" TS errors [#10617](
### [`v5.13.11`](
[Compare Source](
- fix: upgrade mongodb -> 3.7.2 [#10871]( [winstonralph](
- fix(connection): call setMaxListeners(0) on MongoClient to avoid event emitter memory leak warnings with `useDb()` [#10732](
### [`v5.13.10`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow using type: SchemaDefinitionProperty in schema definitions [#10674](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow AnyObject as param to findOneAndReplace() [#10714](
### [`v5.13.9`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(populate): avoid setting empty array on lean document when populate result is undefined [#10599](
- fix(document): make depopulate() handle populated paths underneath document arrays [#10592](
- fix: peg [@types/bson]( version to 1.x || 4.0.x to avoid stubbed 4.2.x release [#10678](
- fix(index.d.ts): simplify UpdateQuery to avoid "excessively deep and possibly infinite" errors with `extends Document` and `any` [#10647](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow specifying weights as an IndexOption [#10586](
- fix: upgrade to mpath v0.8.4 re: security issue [#10683](
### [`v5.13.8`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(populate): handle populating subdoc array virtual with sort [#10552](
- fix(model): check for code instead of codeName when checking for existing collections for backwards compat with MongoDB 3.2 [#10420](
- fix(index.d.ts): correct value of this for custom query helper methods [#10545](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow strings for ObjectIds in nested properties [#10573](
- fix(index.d.ts): add match to VirtualTypeOptions.options [#8749](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow QueryOptions populate parameter type PopulateOptions [#10587]( [osmanakol](
- docs(api): add Document#$where to API docs [#10583](
### [`v5.13.7`](
[Compare Source](
- perf(index.d.ts): loosen up restrictions on ModelType generic for Schema for a ~50% perf improvement when compiling TypeScript and using intellisense [#10536]( [#10515]( [#10349](
- fix(index.d.ts): fix broken `Schema#index()` types [#10562]( [JaredReisinger](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow using SchemaTypeOptions with array of raw document interfaces [#10537](
- fix(index.d.ts): define IndexOptions in terms of mongodb.IndexOptions [#10563]( [JaredReisinger](
- fix(index.d.ts): improve intellisense for DocumentArray `push()` [#10546](
- fix(index.d.ts): correct type for expires [#10529](
- fix(index.d.ts): add Query#model property to ts bindings [#10531](
- refactor(index.d.ts): make callbacks use the new Callback and CallbackWithoutResult types [#10550]( [thiagokisaki](
### [`v5.13.6`](
[Compare Source](
- fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.6.11 [#10543]( [maon-fp](
- fix(schema): throw more helpful error when defining a document array using a schema from a different copy of the Mongoose module [#10453](
- fix: add explicit check on constructor property to avoid throwing an error when checking objects with null prototypes [#10512](
- fix(cursor): make sure to clear stack every 1000 docs when calling `next()` to avoid stack overflow with large batch size [#10449](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow calling new Model(...) with generic Model param [#10526](
- fix(index.d.ts): update type declarations of Schema.index method [#10538]( [#10530]( [Raader](
- fix(index.d.ts): add useNewUrlParser and useUnifiedTopology to ConnectOptions [#10500](
- fix(index.d.ts): add missing type for diffIndexes [#10547]( [bvgusak](
- fix(index.d.ts): fixed incorrect type definition for Query's .map function [#10544]( [GCastilho](
- docs(schema): add more info and examples to Schema#indexes() docs [#10446](
- chore: add types property to package.json [#10557]( [thiagokisaki](
### [`v5.13.5`](
[Compare Source](
- perf(index.d.ts): improve typescript type checking performance [#10515]( [andreialecu](
- fix(index.d.ts): fix debug type in MongooseOptions [#10510]( [thiagokisaki](
- docs(api): clarify that `depopulate()` with no args depopulates all [#10501]( [gfrancz](
### [`v5.13.4`](
[Compare Source](
- fix: avoid pulling non-schema paths from documents into nested paths [#10449](
- fix(update): support overwriting nested map paths [#10485](
- fix(update): apply timestamps to subdocs that would be newly created by `$setOnInsert` [#10460](
- fix(map): correctly clone subdocs when calling toObject() on a map [#10486](
- fix(cursor): cap parallel batchSize for populate at 5000 [#10449](
- fix(index.d.ts): improve autocomplete for new Model() by making `doc` an object with correct keys [#10475](
- fix(index.d.ts): add MongooseOptions interface [#10471]( [thiagokisaki](
- fix(index.d.ts): make LeanDocument work with PopulatedDoc [#10494](
- docs(mongoose+connection): correct default value for bufferTimeoutMS [#10476](
- chore: remove unnecessary 'eslint-disable' comments [#10466]( [thiagokisaki](
### [`v5.13.3`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(model): avoid throwing error when bulkSave() called on a document with no changes [#10437](
- fix(timestamps): apply timestamps when creating new subdocs with `$addToSet` and with positional operator [#10447](
- fix(schema): allow calling Schema#loadClass() with class that has a static getter with no setter [#10436](
- fix(model): handle re-applying object defaults after explicitly unsetting [#10442]( [semirturgay](
- fix: bump mongodb driver -> 3.6.10 [#10440]( [AbdelrahmanHafez](
- fix(index.d.ts): consistently use NativeDate instead of Date for Date validators and timestamps functions [#10426](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow calling `discriminator()` with non-document [#10452]( [#10421]( [DouglasGabr](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow passing ResultType generic to Schema#path() [#10435](
### [`v5.13.2`](
[Compare Source](
- fix: hardcode [@types/node]( version for now to avoid breaking changes from [DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped#53669]( [#10415](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow using type: Date with Date paths in SchemaDefinitionType [#10409](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow extra VirtualTypeOptions for better plugin support [#10412](
- docs(api): add SchemaArray to docs [#10397](
- docs(schema+validation): fix broken links [#10396](
- docs(transactions): add note about creating a connection to transactions docs [#10406](
### [`v5.13.1`](
[Compare Source](
- fix: backport fix for array filters handling $or and $and [#13195]( [#13192]( [#10696]( [raj-goguardian](
- fix: update the isIndexEqual function to take into account non-text indexes when checking compound indexes that include both text and non-text indexes [#13138]( [#13136]( [rdeavila94](
### [`v5.13.0`](
[Compare Source](
- feat(query): add sanitizeProjection option to opt in to automatically sanitizing untrusted query projections [#10243](
- feat(model): add `bulkSave()` function that saves multiple docs in 1 `bulkWrite()` [#9727]( [#9673]( [AbdelrahmanHafez](
- feat(document): allow passing a list of virtuals or `pathsToSkip` to apply in `toObject()` and `toJSON()` [#10120](
- fix(model): make Model.validate use object under validation as context by default [#10360]( [AbdelrahmanHafez](
- feat(document): add support for pathsToSkip in validate and validateSync [#10375]( [AbdelrahmanHafez](
- feat(model): add `diffIndexes()` function that calculates what indexes `syncIndexes()` will create/drop without actually executing any changes [#10362]( [IslandRhythms](
- feat(document): avoid using sessions that have ended, so you can use documents that were loaded in the session after calling `endSession()` [#10306](
### [`v5.12.15`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(index.d.ts): add extra TInstanceMethods generic param to `Schema` for cases when we can't infer from Model [#10358](
- fix(index.d.ts): added typings for near() in model aggregation [#10373]( [tbhaxor](
- fix(index.d.ts): correct function signature for `Query#cast()` [#10388]( [lkho](
- docs(transactions): add import statement [#10365]( [JimLynchCodes](
- docs(schema): add missing `discriminatorKey` schema option [#10386]( [#10376]( [IslandRhythms](
- docs(index.d.ts): fix typo [#10363]( [houssemchebeb](
### [`v5.12.14`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(schema): check that schema type is an object when setting isUnderneathDocArray [#10361]( [vmo-khanus](
- fix(document): avoid infinite recursion when setting single nested subdoc to array [#10351](
- fix(populate): allow populating nested path in schema using `Model.populate()` [#10335](
- fix(drivers): emit operation-start/operation-end events to allow inspecting when operations start and end
- fix(index.d.ts): improve typings for virtuals [#10350]( [thiagokisaki](
- fix(index.d.ts): correct constructor type for Document [#10328](
- fix(index.d.ts): add `ValidationError` as a possible type for `ValidationError#errors` [#10320]( [IslandRhythms](
- fix: remove unnecessary async devDependency that's causing npm audit warnings [#10281](
- docs(typescript): add schemas guide [#10308](
- docs(model): add options parameter description to `Model.exists()` [#10336]( [Aminoiz](
### [`v5.12.13`](
[Compare Source](
- perf(document): avoid creating nested paths when running `$getAllSubdocs()` [#10275](
- fix: make returnDocument option work with `findOneAndUpdate()` [#10232]( [#10231]( [cnwangjie](
- fix(document): correctly reset subdocument when resetting a map subdocument underneath a single nested subdoc after save [#10295](
- perf(query): avoid setting non-null sessions to avoid overhead from $getAllSubdocs() [#10275](
- perf(document): pre split schematype paths when compiling schema to avoid extra overhead of splitting when hydrating documents [#10275](
- perf(schema): pre-calculate mapPaths to avoid looping over every path for each path when initing doc [#10275](
- fix(index.d.ts): drill down into nested arrays when creating LeanDocument type [#10293](
### [`v5.12.12`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(documentarray): retain atomics when setting to a new array [#10272](
- fix(query+model): fix deprecation warning for `returnOriginal` with `findOneAndUpdate()` [#10298]( [#10297]( [#10292]( [#10285]( [IslandRhythms](
- fix(index.d.ts): make `map()` result an array if used over an array [#10288]( [quantumsheep](
### [`v5.12.11`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(populate): skip applying setters when casting arrays for populate() to avoid issues with arrays of immutable elements [#10264](
- perf(schematype): avoid cloning setters every time we run setters [#9588](
- perf(get): add benchmarks and extra cases to speed up get() [#9588](
- perf(array): improve array constructor performance on small arrays to improve nested array perf [#9588](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow using type: \[String] with string\[] when using SchemaDefinition with generic [#10261](
- fix(index.d.ts): support ReadonlyArray as well as regular array where possible in schema definitions [#10260](
- docs(connection): document noListener option to useDb [#10278]( [stuartpb](
- docs: migrate raw tutorial content from pug / JS to markdown [#10271](
- docs: fix typo [#10269]( [sanjib](
### [`v5.12.10`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(query): allow setting `defaults` option on result documents from query options [#7287]( [IslandRhythms](
- fix(populate): handle populating embedded discriminator with custom tiedValue [#10231](
- fix(document): allow passing space-delimited string of `pathsToValidate` to `validate()` and `validateSync()` [#10258](
- fix(model+schema): support `loadClass()` on classes that have `collection` as a static property [#10257]( [#10254]( [IslandRhythms](
- fix(SchemaArrayOptions): correct property name [#10236](
- fix(index.d.ts): add any to all query operators to minimize likelihood of "type instantiation is excessively deep" when querying docs with 4-level deep subdocs [#10189](
- fix(index.d.ts): add $parent() in addition to parent() in TS definitions
- fix(index.d.ts): correct async iterator return type for QueryCursor [#10253]( [#10252]( [#10251]( [borfig](
- fix(index.d.ts): add `virtualsOnly` parameter to `loadClass()` function signature [IslandRhythms](
- docs(typescript): add typescript populate docs [#10212](
- docs: switch from AWS to Azure Functions for search [#10244](
### [`v5.12.9`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(schema): ensure add() overwrites existing schema paths by default [#10208]( [#10203](
- fix(schema): support creating nested paths underneath document arrays [#10193](
- fix(update): convert nested dotted paths in update to nested paths to avoid ending up with dotted properties in update [#10200](
- fix(document): allow calling validate() and validateSync() with `options` as first parameter [#10216](
- fix(schema): apply static properties to model when using loadClass() [#10206](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow returning Promise from middleware functions [#10229](
- fix(index.d.ts): add pre('distinct') hooks to TypeScript [#10192](
### [`v5.12.8`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(populate): handle populating immutable array paths [#10159](
- fix(CastError): add `toJSON()` function to ensure `name` property always ends up in `JSON.stringify()` output [#10166]( [IslandRhythms](
- fix(query): add allowDiskUse() method to improve setting MongoDB 4.4's new `allowDiskUse` option [#10177](
- fix(populate): allow populating paths under mixed schematypes where some documents have non-object properties [#10191](
- chore: remove unnecessary driver dynamic imports so Mongoose can work with Parcel [#9603](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow any object as parameter to create() and `insertMany()` [#10144](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow creating Model class with raw interface, no `extends Document` [#10144](
- fix(index.d.ts): separate UpdateQuery from `UpdateWithAggregationPipeline` for cases when `UpdateQuery` is used as a function param [#10186](
- fix(index.d.ts): don't require error value in pre/post hooks [#10213]( [michaln-q](
- docs(typescript): add a typescript intro tutorial and statics tutorial [#10021](
- docs(typescript): add query helpers tutorial [#10021](
- docs(deprecations): add note that you can safely ignore `useFindAndModify` and `useCreateIndex` deprecation warnings [#10155](
- chore(workflows): add node 16 to github actions [#10201]( [AbdelrahmanHafez](
### [`v5.12.7`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(document): make $getPopulatedDocs() return populated virtuals [#10148](
- fix(discriminator): take discriminator schema's single nested paths over base schema's [#10157](
- fix(discriminator): allow numbers and ObjectIds as tied values for discriminators [#10130](
- fix(document): avoid double validating paths underneath mixed objects in save() [#10141](
- fix(schema): allow path() to return single nested paths within document arrays [#10164](
- fix(model+query): consistently wrap query callbacks in `process.nextTick()` to avoid clean stack traces causing memory leak when using synchronous recursion like `async.whilst()` [#9864](
- fix(cursor): correctly report CastError when using noCursorTimeout flag [#10150](
- fix(index.d.ts): add CastError constructor [#10176](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow setting mongoose.pluralize(null) in TypeScript [#10185](
- docs: add link to transactions guide from nav bar [#10143](
- docs(validation): add section about custom error messages [#10140](
- docs: make headers linkable via clicking [#10156](
- docs: broken link in document.js [#10190]( [joostdecock](
- docs: make navbar responsive on legacy 2.x docs [#10171]( [ad99526](
### [`v5.12.6`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(query): allow setting `writeConcern` schema option to work around MongoDB driver's `writeConcern` deprecation warning [#10083]( [#10009]( [IslandRhythms](
- fix(populate): dedupe when virtual populate foreignField is an array to avoid duplicate docs in result [#10117](
- fix(populate): add `localField` filter to `$elemMatch` on virtual populate when custom `match` has a `$elemMatch` and `foreignField` is an array [#10117](
- fix(query): convert projection string values to numbers as a workaround for [#10142](
- fix(document): set version key filter on `save()` when using `optimisticConcurrency` if no changes in document [#10128]( [IslandRhythms](
- fix(model): use `obj` as `context` in `Model.validate()` if `obj` is a document [#10132](
- fix(connection): avoid db events deprecation warning when using `useDb()` with `useUnifiedTopology` [#8267](
- fix: upgrade to sift@13.5.2 to work around transitive dev dependency security warning [#10121](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow any object as parameter to `create()` and `insertMany()` [#10144](
- fix(index.d.ts): clarify that `eachAsync()` callback receives a single doc rather than array of docs unless `batchSize` is set [#10135](
- fix(index.d.ts): clarify that return value from `validateSync()` is a ValidationError [#10147]( [michaln-q](
- fix(index.d.ts): add generic type for Model constructor [#10074]( [Duchynko](
- fix(index.d.ts): add parameter type in merge [#10168]( [yoonhoGo](
### [`v5.12.5`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(populate): handle populating underneath document array when document array property doesn't exist in db [#10003](
- fix(populate): clear out dangling pointers to populated docs so query cursor with populate() can garbage collect populated subdocs [#9864](
- fix(connection): pull correct `autoCreate` value from Mongoose global when creating new model before calling `connect()` [#10091](
- fix(populate): handle populating paths on documents with discriminator keys that point to non-existent discriminators [#10082](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow numbers as discriminator names [#10115](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow `type: Boolean` in Schema definitions [#10085](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow passing array of aggregation pipeline stages to `updateOne()` and `updateMany()` [#10095](
- fix(index.d.ts): support legacy 2nd param callback syntax for `deleteOne()`, `deleteMany()` [#10122](
- docs(mongoose): make `useCreateIndex` always `false` in docs [#10033](
- docs(schema): fix incorrect links from schema API docs [#10111](
### [`v5.12.4`](
[Compare Source](
- fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.6.6 [#10079](
- fix: store fields set with select:false at schema-level when saving a new document [#10101]( [ptantiku](
- fix(populate): avoid turning already populated field to null when populating an existing lean document [#10068]( [IslandRhythms](
- fix(populate): correctly populate lean subdocs with `_id` property [#10069](
- fix(model): insertedDocs may contain docs that weren't inserted [#10098]( [olnazx](
- fix(schemaType): make type Mixed cast error objects to pojos [#10131]( [AbdelrahmanHafez](
- fix(populate): support populating embedded discriminators in nested arrays [#9984](
- fix(populate): handle populating map paths using trailing `.$*` [#10123](
- fix(populate): allow returning primitive from `transform()` function for single conventional populate [#10064](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow generic classes of `T` to use `T & Document` internally [#10046](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow `$pull` with `$` paths [#10075](
- fix(index.d.ts): use correct `Date` type for `$currentDate` [#10058](
- fix(index.d.ts): add missing asyncInterator to Query type def [#10094]( [borfig](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow RHS of `$unset` properties to be any value [#10066](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow setting SchemaType `index` property to a string [#10077](
- refactor(index.d.ts): move discriminator() to common interface [#10109]( [LoneRifle](
### [`v5.12.3`](
[Compare Source](
- fix: avoid setting schema-level collation on text indexes [#10044]( [IslandRhythms](
- fix(query): add `writeConcern()` method to avoid writeConcern deprecation warning [#10009](
- fix(connection): use queueing instead of event emitter for `createCollection()` and other helpers to avoid event emitter warning [#9778](
- fix(connection): scope `Connection#id` to Mongoose instance so id always lines up with `mongoose.connections` index [#10025]( [IslandRhythms](
- fix: avoid throwing in `promiseOrCallback()` if 3rd param isn't an EventEmitter [#10055]( [emrebass](
- fix(index.d.ts): add Model as 2nd generic param to `Model.discriminator()` [#10054]( [coro101](
- fix(index.d.ts): add docs to `next()` callback for `pre('insertMany')` hooks [#10078]( [#10072]( [pezzu](
- fix(index.d.ts): add `transform` to PopulateOptions interface [#10061](
- fix(index.d.ts): add DocumentQuery type for backwards compatibility [#10036](
### [`v5.12.2`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(QueryCursor): consistently execute `post('find')` hooks with an array of docs [#10015]( [#9982]( [IslandRhythms](
- fix(schema): support setting `ref` as an option on an array SchemaType [#10029](
- fix(query): apply schema-level `select` option from array schematypes [#10029](
- fix(schema): avoid possible prototype pollution with `Schema()` constructor [#10035]( [zpbrent](
- fix(model): make bulkWrite skip timestamps with timestamps: false [#10050]( [SoftwareSing](
- fix(index.d.ts): make query methods return `QueryWithHelpers` so query helpers pass through chaining [#10040](
- fix(index.d.ts): add `upserted` array to `updateOne()`, `updateMany()`, `update()` result [#10042](
- fix(index.d.ts): add back `Aggregate#project()` types that were mistakenly removed in 5.12.0 [#10043](
- fix(index.d.ts): always allow setting `type` in Schema to a SchemaType class or a Schema instance [#10030](
- docs(transactions): introduce `session.withTransaction()` before `session.startTransaction()` because `withTransaction()` is the recommended approach [#10008](
- docs(mongoose+browser): fix broken links to info about `mongoose.Types` [#10016](
### [`v5.12.1`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(index.d.ts): add extra TInstanceMethods generic param to `Schema` for cases when we can't infer from Model [#10358](
- fix(index.d.ts): added typings for near() in model aggregation [#10373]( [tbhaxor](
- fix(index.d.ts): correct function signature for `Query#cast()` [#10388]( [lkho](
- docs(transactions): add import statement [#10365]( [JimLynchCodes](
- docs(schema): add missing `discriminatorKey` schema option [#10386]( [#10376]( [IslandRhythms](
- docs(index.d.ts): fix typo [#10363]( [houssemchebeb](
### [`v5.12.0`](
[Compare Source](
- feat(populate): add `transform` option that Mongoose will call on every populated doc [#3775](
- feat(query): make `Query#pre()` and `Query#post()` public [#9784](
- feat(document): add `Document#getPopulatedDocs()` to return an array of all populated documents in a document [#9702]( [IslandRhythms](
- feat(document): add `Document#getAllSubdocs()` to return an array of all single nested and array subdocuments [#9764]( [IslandRhythms](
- feat(schema): allow `schema` as a schema path name [#8798]( [IslandRhythms](
- feat(QueryCursor): Add batch processing for eachAsync [#9902]( [khaledosama999](
- feat(connection): add `noListener` option to help with use cases where you're using `useDb()` on every request [#9961](
- feat(index): emit 'createConnection' event when user calls `mongoose.createConnection()` [#9985](
- feat(connection+index): emit 'model' and 'deleteModel' events on connections when creating and deleting models [#9983](
- feat(query): allow passing `explain` option to `Model.exists()` [#8098]( [IslandRhythms](
### [`v5.11.20`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(query+populate): avoid unnecessarily projecting in subpath when populating a path that uses an elemMatch projection [#9973](
- fix(connection): avoid `db` events deprecation warning with 'close' events [#10004]( [#9930](
- fix(index.d.ts): make `$pull` more permissive to allow dotted paths [#9993](
### [`v5.11.19`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(document): skip validating array elements that aren't modified when `validateModifiedOnly` is set [#9963](
- fix(timestamps): apply timestamps on `findOneAndReplace()` [#9951](
- fix(schema): correctly handle trailing array filters when looking up schema paths [#9977](
- fix(schema): load child class getter for virtuals instead of base class when using `loadClass()` [#9975](
- fix(index.d.ts): allow creating statics without passing generics to `Schema` constructor [#9969](
- fix(index.d.ts): add QueryHelpers generic to schema and model, make all query methods instead return QueryWithHelpers [#9850](
- fix(index.d.ts): support setting `type` to an array of schemas when using SchemaDefinitionType [#9962](
- fix(index.d.ts): add generic to plugin schema definition [#9968]( [emiljanitzek](
- docs: small typo fix [#9964]( [KrishnaMoorthy12](
### [`v5.11.18`](
[Compare Source](
- fix(connection): set connection state to `disconnected` if connecting string failed to parse [#9921](
- fix(connection): remove `db` events deprecation warning if `useUnifiedTopology = true` [#9930](
- fix(connection): fix promise chaining for openUri [#9960]( [l
This PR contains the following updates:
By merging this PR, the below issues will be automatically resolved and closed:
Release Notes
Automattic/mongoose (mongoose)
### [`v5.13.21`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v5.13.20`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v5.13.19`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v5.13.18`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v5.13.17`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix: backport fix for array filters handling $or and $and [#13195]( [#13192]( [#10696]( [raj-goguardian]( - fix: update the isIndexEqual function to take into account non-text indexes when checking compound indexes that include both text and non-text indexes [#13138]( [#13136]( [rdeavila94]( ### [`v5.13.16`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix: make access to process.versions lazy [#12584]( [maciasello]( - fix(types): add missing type definitions for `bulkSave()` [#12019]( - docs: backport documentation URL updates [#12692]( [hasezoey]( ### [`v5.13.15`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix: backport fix for CVE-2022-2564 [#12281]( [shubanker]( - docs: fix broken link from findandmodify method deprecation [#11366]( [laissonsilveira]( ### [`v5.13.14`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix(timestamps): avoid setting createdAt on documents that already exist but dont have createdAt [#11024]( - docs(models): fix up nModified example for 5.x [#11055]( ### [`v5.13.13`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix: upgrade to mongodb@3.7.3 [#10909]( [gaurav-sharma-gs]( - fix: correctly emit end event in before close [#10916]( [iovanom]( - fix(index.d.ts): improve ts types for query set [#10942]( [jneal-afs]( ### [`v5.13.12`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix(cursor): use stream destroy method on close to prevent emitting duplicate 'close' [#10897]( [iovanom]( - fix(index.d.ts): backport streamlining of FilterQuery and DocumentDefinition to avoid "excessively deep and possibly infinite" TS errors [#10617]( ### [`v5.13.11`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix: upgrade mongodb -> 3.7.2 [#10871]( [winstonralph]( - fix(connection): call setMaxListeners(0) on MongoClient to avoid event emitter memory leak warnings with `useDb()` [#10732]( ### [`v5.13.10`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix(index.d.ts): allow using type: SchemaDefinitionProperty in schema definitions [#10674]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow AnyObject as param to findOneAndReplace() [#10714]( ### [`v5.13.9`]( [Compare Source]( \=================== - fix(populate): avoid setting empty array on lean document when populate result is undefined [#10599]( - fix(document): make depopulate() handle populated paths underneath document arrays [#10592]( - fix: peg [@types/bson]( version to 1.x || 4.0.x to avoid stubbed 4.2.x release [#10678]( - fix(index.d.ts): simplify UpdateQuery to avoid "excessively deep and possibly infinite" errors with `extends Document` and `any` [#10647]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow specifying weights as an IndexOption [#10586]( - fix: upgrade to mpath v0.8.4 re: security issue [#10683]( ### [`v5.13.8`]( [Compare Source]( \=================== - fix(populate): handle populating subdoc array virtual with sort [#10552]( - fix(model): check for code instead of codeName when checking for existing collections for backwards compat with MongoDB 3.2 [#10420]( - fix(index.d.ts): correct value of this for custom query helper methods [#10545]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow strings for ObjectIds in nested properties [#10573]( - fix(index.d.ts): add match to VirtualTypeOptions.options [#8749]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow QueryOptions populate parameter type PopulateOptions [#10587]( [osmanakol]( - docs(api): add Document#$where to API docs [#10583]( ### [`v5.13.7`]( [Compare Source]( \=================== - perf(index.d.ts): loosen up restrictions on ModelType generic for Schema for a ~50% perf improvement when compiling TypeScript and using intellisense [#10536]( [#10515]( [#10349]( - fix(index.d.ts): fix broken `Schema#index()` types [#10562]( [JaredReisinger]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow using SchemaTypeOptions with array of raw document interfaces [#10537]( - fix(index.d.ts): define IndexOptions in terms of mongodb.IndexOptions [#10563]( [JaredReisinger]( - fix(index.d.ts): improve intellisense for DocumentArray `push()` [#10546]( - fix(index.d.ts): correct type for expires [#10529]( - fix(index.d.ts): add Query#model property to ts bindings [#10531]( - refactor(index.d.ts): make callbacks use the new Callback and CallbackWithoutResult types [#10550]( [thiagokisaki]( ### [`v5.13.6`]( [Compare Source]( \=================== - fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.6.11 [#10543]( [maon-fp]( - fix(schema): throw more helpful error when defining a document array using a schema from a different copy of the Mongoose module [#10453]( - fix: add explicit check on constructor property to avoid throwing an error when checking objects with null prototypes [#10512]( - fix(cursor): make sure to clear stack every 1000 docs when calling `next()` to avoid stack overflow with large batch size [#10449]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow calling new Model(...) with generic Model param [#10526]( - fix(index.d.ts): update type declarations of Schema.index method [#10538]( [#10530]( [Raader]( - fix(index.d.ts): add useNewUrlParser and useUnifiedTopology to ConnectOptions [#10500]( - fix(index.d.ts): add missing type for diffIndexes [#10547]( [bvgusak]( - fix(index.d.ts): fixed incorrect type definition for Query's .map function [#10544]( [GCastilho]( - docs(schema): add more info and examples to Schema#indexes() docs [#10446]( - chore: add types property to package.json [#10557]( [thiagokisaki]( ### [`v5.13.5`]( [Compare Source]( \=================== - perf(index.d.ts): improve typescript type checking performance [#10515]( [andreialecu]( - fix(index.d.ts): fix debug type in MongooseOptions [#10510]( [thiagokisaki]( - docs(api): clarify that `depopulate()` with no args depopulates all [#10501]( [gfrancz]( ### [`v5.13.4`]( [Compare Source]( \=================== - fix: avoid pulling non-schema paths from documents into nested paths [#10449]( - fix(update): support overwriting nested map paths [#10485]( - fix(update): apply timestamps to subdocs that would be newly created by `$setOnInsert` [#10460]( - fix(map): correctly clone subdocs when calling toObject() on a map [#10486]( - fix(cursor): cap parallel batchSize for populate at 5000 [#10449]( - fix(index.d.ts): improve autocomplete for new Model() by making `doc` an object with correct keys [#10475]( - fix(index.d.ts): add MongooseOptions interface [#10471]( [thiagokisaki]( - fix(index.d.ts): make LeanDocument work with PopulatedDoc [#10494]( - docs(mongoose+connection): correct default value for bufferTimeoutMS [#10476]( - chore: remove unnecessary 'eslint-disable' comments [#10466]( [thiagokisaki]( ### [`v5.13.3`]( [Compare Source]( \=================== - fix(model): avoid throwing error when bulkSave() called on a document with no changes [#10437]( - fix(timestamps): apply timestamps when creating new subdocs with `$addToSet` and with positional operator [#10447]( - fix(schema): allow calling Schema#loadClass() with class that has a static getter with no setter [#10436]( - fix(model): handle re-applying object defaults after explicitly unsetting [#10442]( [semirturgay]( - fix: bump mongodb driver -> 3.6.10 [#10440]( [AbdelrahmanHafez]( - fix(index.d.ts): consistently use NativeDate instead of Date for Date validators and timestamps functions [#10426]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow calling `discriminator()` with non-document [#10452]( [#10421]( [DouglasGabr]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow passing ResultType generic to Schema#path() [#10435]( ### [`v5.13.2`]( [Compare Source]( \=================== - fix: hardcode [@types/node]( version for now to avoid breaking changes from [DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped#53669]( [#10415]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow using type: Date with Date paths in SchemaDefinitionType [#10409]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow extra VirtualTypeOptions for better plugin support [#10412]( - docs(api): add SchemaArray to docs [#10397]( - docs(schema+validation): fix broken links [#10396]( - docs(transactions): add note about creating a connection to transactions docs [#10406]( ### [`v5.13.1`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix: backport fix for array filters handling $or and $and [#13195]( [#13192]( [#10696]( [raj-goguardian]( - fix: update the isIndexEqual function to take into account non-text indexes when checking compound indexes that include both text and non-text indexes [#13138]( [#13136]( [rdeavila94]( ### [`v5.13.0`]( [Compare Source]( \=================== - feat(query): add sanitizeProjection option to opt in to automatically sanitizing untrusted query projections [#10243]( - feat(model): add `bulkSave()` function that saves multiple docs in 1 `bulkWrite()` [#9727]( [#9673]( [AbdelrahmanHafez]( - feat(document): allow passing a list of virtuals or `pathsToSkip` to apply in `toObject()` and `toJSON()` [#10120]( - fix(model): make Model.validate use object under validation as context by default [#10360]( [AbdelrahmanHafez]( - feat(document): add support for pathsToSkip in validate and validateSync [#10375]( [AbdelrahmanHafez]( - feat(model): add `diffIndexes()` function that calculates what indexes `syncIndexes()` will create/drop without actually executing any changes [#10362]( [IslandRhythms]( - feat(document): avoid using sessions that have ended, so you can use documents that were loaded in the session after calling `endSession()` [#10306]( ### [`v5.12.15`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix(index.d.ts): add extra TInstanceMethods generic param to `Schema` for cases when we can't infer from Model [#10358]( - fix(index.d.ts): added typings for near() in model aggregation [#10373]( [tbhaxor]( - fix(index.d.ts): correct function signature for `Query#cast()` [#10388]( [lkho]( - docs(transactions): add import statement [#10365]( [JimLynchCodes]( - docs(schema): add missing `discriminatorKey` schema option [#10386]( [#10376]( [IslandRhythms]( - docs(index.d.ts): fix typo [#10363]( [houssemchebeb]( ### [`v5.12.14`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix(schema): check that schema type is an object when setting isUnderneathDocArray [#10361]( [vmo-khanus]( - fix(document): avoid infinite recursion when setting single nested subdoc to array [#10351]( - fix(populate): allow populating nested path in schema using `Model.populate()` [#10335]( - fix(drivers): emit operation-start/operation-end events to allow inspecting when operations start and end - fix(index.d.ts): improve typings for virtuals [#10350]( [thiagokisaki]( - fix(index.d.ts): correct constructor type for Document [#10328]( - fix(index.d.ts): add `ValidationError` as a possible type for `ValidationError#errors` [#10320]( [IslandRhythms]( - fix: remove unnecessary async devDependency that's causing npm audit warnings [#10281]( - docs(typescript): add schemas guide [#10308]( - docs(model): add options parameter description to `Model.exists()` [#10336]( [Aminoiz]( ### [`v5.12.13`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - perf(document): avoid creating nested paths when running `$getAllSubdocs()` [#10275]( - fix: make returnDocument option work with `findOneAndUpdate()` [#10232]( [#10231]( [cnwangjie]( - fix(document): correctly reset subdocument when resetting a map subdocument underneath a single nested subdoc after save [#10295]( - perf(query): avoid setting non-null sessions to avoid overhead from $getAllSubdocs() [#10275]( - perf(document): pre split schematype paths when compiling schema to avoid extra overhead of splitting when hydrating documents [#10275]( - perf(schema): pre-calculate mapPaths to avoid looping over every path for each path when initing doc [#10275]( - fix(index.d.ts): drill down into nested arrays when creating LeanDocument type [#10293]( ### [`v5.12.12`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix(documentarray): retain atomics when setting to a new array [#10272]( - fix(query+model): fix deprecation warning for `returnOriginal` with `findOneAndUpdate()` [#10298]( [#10297]( [#10292]( [#10285]( [IslandRhythms]( - fix(index.d.ts): make `map()` result an array if used over an array [#10288]( [quantumsheep]( ### [`v5.12.11`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix(populate): skip applying setters when casting arrays for populate() to avoid issues with arrays of immutable elements [#10264]( - perf(schematype): avoid cloning setters every time we run setters [#9588]( - perf(get): add benchmarks and extra cases to speed up get() [#9588]( - perf(array): improve array constructor performance on small arrays to improve nested array perf [#9588]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow using type: \[String] with string\[] when using SchemaDefinition with generic [#10261]( - fix(index.d.ts): support ReadonlyArray as well as regular array where possible in schema definitions [#10260]( - docs(connection): document noListener option to useDb [#10278]( [stuartpb]( - docs: migrate raw tutorial content from pug / JS to markdown [#10271]( - docs: fix typo [#10269]( [sanjib]( ### [`v5.12.10`]( [Compare Source]( \==================== - fix(query): allow setting `defaults` option on result documents from query options [#7287]( [IslandRhythms]( - fix(populate): handle populating embedded discriminator with custom tiedValue [#10231]( - fix(document): allow passing space-delimited string of `pathsToValidate` to `validate()` and `validateSync()` [#10258]( - fix(model+schema): support `loadClass()` on classes that have `collection` as a static property [#10257]( [#10254]( [IslandRhythms]( - fix(SchemaArrayOptions): correct property name [#10236]( - fix(index.d.ts): add any to all query operators to minimize likelihood of "type instantiation is excessively deep" when querying docs with 4-level deep subdocs [#10189]( - fix(index.d.ts): add $parent() in addition to parent() in TS definitions - fix(index.d.ts): correct async iterator return type for QueryCursor [#10253]( [#10252]( [#10251]( [borfig]( - fix(index.d.ts): add `virtualsOnly` parameter to `loadClass()` function signature [IslandRhythms]( - docs(typescript): add typescript populate docs [#10212]( - docs: switch from AWS to Azure Functions for search [#10244]( ### [`v5.12.9`]( [Compare Source]( \=================== - fix(schema): ensure add() overwrites existing schema paths by default [#10208]( [#10203]( - fix(schema): support creating nested paths underneath document arrays [#10193]( - fix(update): convert nested dotted paths in update to nested paths to avoid ending up with dotted properties in update [#10200]( - fix(document): allow calling validate() and validateSync() with `options` as first parameter [#10216]( - fix(schema): apply static properties to model when using loadClass() [#10206]( - fix(index.d.ts): allow returning Promise