talonvoice / talon

Issue Tracker for the main Talon app
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Feature Request: Introspection tools #128

Open dwiel opened 4 years ago

dwiel commented 4 years ago

It would be nice to be able to automatically determine where in the user's talon code a command is defined/implemented. For example, it will be nice to be able to implement a command which works like this: talon declaration go up and automatically open up the talon file where go up is defined.

dwiel commented 4 years ago

in public talon, this was a little easier to do manually because the captured name could be logged and it would have the file name it was defined in smashed into the command name. Definitely not ideal, but it was possible.

dwiel commented 4 years ago

Jumping to a particular action implementation (vs definition)given the current context would be especially helpful. With multiple implementations active under different contexts, it can take multiple steps to figure out which implantation is getting used when.

lunixbochs commented 3 years ago

Check events.tail() in the repl now, it should help a lot to figure out what is going on. I'm also willing to take requests for new kinds of events to add.