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Questions asked in interview. #1154

Open gkanishk opened 4 years ago

gkanishk commented 4 years ago

Feel free to add the questions that were asked, and you feel you faced difficulty in it.

Add in following format:

  1. Question asked Ans- Give a gist one line max

Try to keep everything concise and don't repeat any question

at last anything else you want to share.

mritunjaysaha commented 4 years ago

Questions that were asked in the interviews and mentioned in the telegram group. view

gkanishk commented 4 years ago


  1. Lifecycle, Hooks
  2. Why should one use redux or any state management tool and not hooks?
  3. What are promises?
  4. Async and Await
  5. Database definitions
  6. Types of Data structures and basic questions on logical approach in JS!


  7. SSR
  8. Pure components/Pure functions
  9. Service workers/ Web workers
  10. ComponentShouldMount
cmcodes1 commented 4 years ago

Company: GeekyAnts

First Round Interview

Questions asked:

  1. Introduction
  2. WAP to loop through an array without using loops.
  3. Projects
  4. Basic questions on React, like, state, lifecycle methods, state management.
  5. Certifications mentioned in the resume.

Status: Cleared

Second Round Interview

Questions asked:

  1. Introduction
  2. Projects.
  3. WAP to swap two numbers without using third number.
  4. A program to check if two strings are anagram of each other.
  5. Syntax of Map, filter, reduce, promise.
  6. A react app to toggle the value of a string on click of a button and styling it.

Status: Cleared

Third Round Interview

Questions asked:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Projects.
  3. Some modification on a project at localhost.
  4. Print the sum of even digits of a number.
  5. Print the sum of elements of an array which are located at the index of fibonacci series numbers.
  6. Types of relations in database.

Status: Not cleared

DheerajMahra commented 4 years ago

Company - Active.AI

1st Round


  1. Closures with examples
  2. Coercion
  3. JavaScript functions
  4. Overriding of variables/ function names

ReactJS ecosystem

  1. React Lifecycle
  2. Hooks (Convert lifecycle methods to hooks)
  3. PureComponent
  4. CSS-in-JS (Styled-Components) / SSR
  5. Code Splitting (React lazy and Suspense)
  6. Optimization of React


  1. Anything can be asked from your project. Be ready with it.

2nd Round

  1. Projects
  2. React profiling and debugging

3rd Round (HR)

  1. Basic HR questions.
dikshagoyal26 commented 4 years ago

Company: GeekyAnts

First Round Interview (Technical)

Questions asked:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding of basic concepts of Javascript like call, bind and apply.
  3. he gave some code snippets and asked for outputs
  4. projects.
  5. 3 ds Algo questions (one was to check for the palindrome, swap numbers).
  6. how will I divide the Flipkart home page into different components.

Second Round Interview (Technical)

Questions asked:

  1. Introduction
  2. Projects.
  3. some basic javascript questions like what is callback, promises, fetch etc
  4. Asked me to write -> A binary search program -> Implement a linked list
  5. Asked me to create a form and display data from an API
  6. render another HTML page dynamically returned from another API he provided

Third Round Interview (Technical)

Questions asked:

  1. Introduction.
  2. 4 ds Algo questions -> Print a pattern -> Sum of even digits of a number -> Check for palindrome -> Sum of Fibonacci indexes of an array
  3. some DB questions like NoSQL, joints, relationships.
  4. What is an interface and an abstract class?
  5. Am I able to write HTML, CSS and create pages with that?
  6. CSS property Flexbox