tanganke / weight-ensembling_MoE

Code for paper "Merging Multi-Task Models via Weight-Ensembling Mixture of Experts"
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about how to train #1

Open zjn0613 opened 2 weeks ago

zjn0613 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello,I am very interested in your work. However, due to my limited knowledge in this area, I am not sure how to train the code or which file to start with. Could you please guide me on this? I would really appreciate it. Thank you very much!

tanganke commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Use this repository:

To reproduce the results in the paper use this repository, you can refer to the README file at the results directory, which describes the shell command.

The checkpoints of pre-trained model and fine-tuned models can be downloaded from google drive, these checkpoints are from the work Editing Models with Task Arithmetic. These models are from open-clip library of version 2.0.2.

See https://github.com/mlfoundations/task_vectors/issues/1 for split definition of datasets.

  1. Use FusionBench:

We also fine-tuned some CLIP models by ourselves and publish the checkpoints public at HiggingFace:

We also reimplement this algorithm in FusionBench, by running these command, the models and datasets should be downloaded automatically from huggingface. The experimental results of multi-task model fusion are basically the same with the open-clip implementation here.

If you have any other difficulties, feel free to contact us.