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Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Tending to My Digital Garden | Tania Rascia

Hi there. It's December 2022. How are you doing? This has been a slow year for me. I'm going to write a little post to let you know what I…


MichalKotowski commented 1 year ago

It's great to hear that you are doing well! I love to read anything you write about your personal life - I appreciate this kind of content much more than your technical writtings. I wish you everything best!

zinzy commented 1 year ago

Here's an absolute permission slip to claim your internet citizenship and write whatever you want on this website! It sounds like you've had a heck of a year, and look at how you're coming out of it. 👏🏽

sdumas commented 1 year ago

It's great to hear your news, and I like the mix of professional/non-professional info. Even though I am no longer in webdev, it's interesting to keep up (vicariously) with what's going on via your posts. Keep up the good work - and non-work! :)

samimsu commented 1 year ago

It's interesting to hear about your struggles. I wish you well and wish you could feel comfortable about sharing whatever you want. You won't truly know how it's received until you do. I still refer to your website from time to time to help me be a better coder. You have some great content but not everything has to be great.

dorinvancea commented 1 year ago

Love your RAM ram. 🐏

annetawamono commented 1 year ago

I really like reading about the more personal stuff. reading this felt like a nice slow moment in my day. I can relate to a lot to how this year's been going. I also lost a good friend recently and trying to navigate that has been challenging.

travismathews commented 1 year ago

RAMRAM looks great!

Thank you so much for sharing with us.

CFranc111 commented 1 year ago

I, for one, support this type of post in addition to the technical ones. It's comforting to know that other people (especially other girl coders/gamers/artists 😁) are having similar experiences in this life. 💕 (Also - love the ram! 😄)

tristanjarrett commented 1 year ago

Hi Tania, thank you for sharing, to be honest it was so nice to see something genuine pop into my mailbox and I subscribed to you for a reason, long ago. I’ve been with you since your site was based on WordPress and following since, but its so refreshing to hear that even the people with solid content and a large following go through the same life struggles as the rest of us, I am also super sorry about your loss this year and I remember reading that post and relating it to some personal issues at the time, it’s never nice. But I’m so glad you use your platform for how you want to and I hope that continues, we are human after all and you certainly produce some great stuff, very inspirational and you should be proud. All the best.

michaelchadwick commented 1 year ago

I still look to your website as design inspiration, and still relish reading infrequent, but meaty, blog posts in addition to the daily microblogging that has become the standard.

Also, kudos on the RAM ram. Bah-ram-ewe!

sherribooher commented 1 year ago

So happy to read this post! I sometimes feel like I'm alone in the world with my mental health and sadness, so posts like these remind me that I am not alone. I, too, lost a best friend to Covid back in April of 2020 and that (coupled with menopause and mental health issues) caused me to spiral into a complete mental/emotional breakdown. I did not code or touch a computer for a year and a half. I stopped learning about web development, something that has been my passion for as long as I can remember, and couldn't even stand to look at articles mentioning it. It was a horrible feeling not knowing what the hell was going on with me. I'm happy to say with therapy, new medications, and lots of love and support from my family and friends, I am almost back to 100%. I decided to accept a job as a Systems Administrator, which I've discovered that I absolutely LOVE! I also get to work from home, so that's a plus too!

Sorry to babble on about myself like that, but your post kinda triggered it. I am so happy that you are in a better place as well. I LOVE your new desk setup and can't wait to read more articles/tutorials/interests from you. Please make sure I am subscribed to that newsletter!

tensunstudio commented 1 year ago

I am a big fan and I love all of your dimensions. I am grateful for the vulnerability of this post. Thank you for sharing!

romarco3 commented 1 year ago

I’m very happy to hear your news again and I happy if you are ok. I love your emails always interesting. See you soon Marco

mazaherm commented 1 year ago

You're an inspiration to me and many others. I love everything you do and I'm glad you're ok.

etmartinkazoo commented 1 year ago

Confession #1: The internet is rarely fun any more.

Confession #2: Your website is one of the few genuine sites that gives me joy. I am grateful for your creativity, honesty, and diversity of content. It is a really fun blog as a tech geek. You taught me a lot about coding when I switched careers in 2015 and I've enjoyed reading ever since. It is refreshing that you are you and honest about it!

kennkitchen commented 1 year ago

I totally get that we all deal with bouts of imposter syndrome, but you're definitely not an imposter! You're a great writer and techie.

I've been in the tech industry for decades (yup, I'm old!) and I founded a business a few years back. (As a CEO, I'm definitely an imposter! lol) I don't know Vite either. But I will tell you this...

Ages ago (like, years) I found a post on your site about WordPress theme making. I'd figured out plugins, but themes... ugh. Your post demystified it for me and it was all I needed. Another real stand-out moment for me was your Vue.js post... once again, you explained things in such a way that it took the edge off getting started.

I think that's the measure, you know? Not that your site as a whole has to be perfect. Your posts help people over humps, help them get started, maybe inspire them to try something new... it's just about that one person who needs something landing on the post where you explained it.

You help people, and that's awesome.

Being able to help people also means taking care of yourself first, so always do that. 😉

Thank you for sharing, and best wishes!!

Racso commented 1 year ago

Anyone who isn't interested is free to unsubscribe. It's not a big deal. What do you think?

I think this is spot-on! This is your space, and you are free to use it in whatever way you want :)

What Wacom tablet did you get?

cngodles commented 1 year ago

I spent some time this year trying to designate the difference between a blog post and an article. I had a few posts that turned out to be complete articles, and they nested aside posts where I just talked about some interesting thing I found that week. This condition is a natural evolution of a blog as subjects become documented in greater detail.

How do you solve this? Unfortunately, there is no one answer. You can classify articles under a taxonomic domain. Or you can deploy a tag using the name article. Perhaps a native search will lead users to the content they seek.

Also, your domain/blog has several beneficial articles that help teach people new things. So on that front, you are well accomplished, and your work as a whole gives someone like me imposter syndrome. I’m not sure I ever want to be someone who knows the most about something because there is a massive variety of things to learn. So I think maintaining expert status about a particular topic has to be rough for a person.

Last, web development today is so far-reaching that there is no best way to do most things. So if Webpack works, why jump to the newest thing? Yet, if a tool makes situations that hurt the user—like lowering page speed—I consider learning a new one.

All of these are opinions. However, I know one thing for sure; I enjoy visiting this website from time to time. :)

AliveKiwi commented 1 year ago

You are a great source of inspiration for me. Know that out of all the advertisement, and spams on email; the updates from your website, are most sought after, and you're definitely not an imposter.

Please take care of your mental well being and physical health, known that in your life you have touched and helped many lives through your work and website, not many people in world can claim to have done so. If needed let that be source of confidence, to get over all the problem or when you are feeling down.

The loss of close friends and family like Josh are really hard to over come, because we have so many great memories with them, and many more could have been made if they were around, but living always have so many unaccounted 'buts' waiting for each of us on the way.....

I hope mentally and physically you are in better place now, and if not, then I wish and pray in upcoming days you find that balance in your life.

Regard, Best wishes to you and people around you.

quidprocrow commented 1 year ago

I always mean to comment that you're one of my 'north stars' for how how to write about programming and maintain a blog, today is that day. Thank you for writing so clearly and sincerely, I appreciate what you share personally and professionally. I hope to emulate your approach in nailing some of my own programming knowledge through clear tutorials and explanations, but really I'm just glad you're here lighting the way. I hope 2023 is kinder to you. <3

tripathics commented 1 year ago

I am loving it... :heart:

ivosantiago commented 1 year ago

I arrived here likely because of some of your great articles, and I stayed - happily - because of your personal touch to everything. Next year will be better, and keep posting anything you feel like (personal or technical) because we love it.

Thank you

Hephaestus14089 commented 1 year ago

The RAM ram is extremely cool.

charlytron commented 1 year ago

I liked how you would seemed to predict my questions and often answer them in the tutorials. Good writers share that concern, I'm told. I just know I struggle a lot less with React when I'm here. Thanks.

ItsMeAra commented 1 year ago

This post really resonated with me. Definitely been a year of difficult issues to bounce back from, imposter syndrome, and burnout for me as well. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I'm so glad you are doing well! I've always enjoyed your content and learned so much from your posts. Truly one of my favorite websites to visit regularly :)

Happy holidays and best wishes for the new year! We got this!

sentinel1909 commented 1 year ago

I really enjoyed this post and am all for you posting more things. I enjoy your work and your writing. Happy New Year and I look forward to journeying with you in 2023!

vincentntang commented 1 year ago

You are an inspiration to many of us out there, I've learned a lot about myself following you over the years. Keep doing you and happy new year!!

abdullah-mahrous commented 1 day ago

Wow you really are a wonderful person and so inspiring by the way, keep on the good work, I've just discovered your website and it's a little lite to write this comment but I hope you are having a wonderful time.