tapouillo / BMGlyphLabel

BMGlyphLabel and BMGlyphFont class for iOS7 Sprite Kit
MIT License
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Horizontal Alignment of multiple lines of text #6

Closed nicholascross closed 10 years ago

nicholascross commented 10 years ago

There doesn't seem to be a way to justify multiple lines of text to the center. You can position them around the center of the label node, but all text is still left justified. It would be handy to be able to control text justification not just alignment with the node.

tapouillo commented 10 years ago

i've just updated the class, you can now justify your text. hope it works well :) let me know.

nicholascross commented 10 years ago

I just tried this out in the sample app, works well and is exactly what I needed! I went to add the podfile you created to pod specs repository but I noticed it doesn't lint because you haven't tagged the version yet.

tapouillo commented 10 years ago

i updated the podspec file, the version number has changed, that should be ok. I didn't have the time to see how to update it for cocoapods.

nicholascross commented 10 years ago

If you create a tag '0.1.1' for the latest changes then I can add the pod spec to the main Specs repo.

I am currently using the latest source by adding this to my Podfile pod 'BMGlyphLabel', :head

It is good practice to use a specific version though as new changes or bugs could be introduced at anytime by using head.

tapouillo commented 10 years ago

the tag seems was ok:


pod spec lint -> BMGlyphLabel (0.1.1) Analyzed 1 podspec. BMGlyphLabel.podspec passed validation.

nicholascross commented 10 years ago

Hi tapouillo, sorry for the delayed response.

I just validated your podspec again and it worked. I wonder if the tag wasn't pushed last time I tried.

I have submitted a pull request to specs repository.