tapouillo / BMGlyphLabel

BMGlyphLabel and BMGlyphFont class for iOS7 Sprite Kit
MIT License
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Anchor for iPhone6 Plus #9

Closed arya-s closed 9 years ago

arya-s commented 9 years ago

I've been using the publishing wizard to create a font for 3 targets (iPhone 4, 5 and 6).

The font is correctly anchored for 4 and 5 and 6, but seems to not be correct for the 6 plus. Take a look here [1]. The Japanese character is off-center even though it's correctly centered when running on the iPhone 4, 5 and 6.

[1] http://i.imgur.com/wA1YHgX.png

tapouillo commented 9 years ago

We probably need to update the BMGlyphFont.m (line 37 and 51, it's only working for 2x retina). I'll see how to fix that in the coming days.

tapouillo commented 9 years ago

I have updated the library, it should now support correctly the iphone6 plus and also the @3x assets.