tasket / wyng-backup

Fast backups for logical volumes & disk images
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add support for 'cloud' friendly API - which one? #21

Open tasket opened 5 years ago

tasket commented 5 years ago

Although ssh with Linux shell is currently supported, this is not commonly offered by large 'cloud' storage services.

Some protocols that have been already suggested:


amazon S3



...or using FUSE to access one of the above or other storage type such as @cryfs .

jpouellet commented 5 years ago

If arbitrary object storage backends could be supported, that'd be awesome. Supporting "s3-compatible" semantics seem to be a widely supported least common denominator.

tasket commented 5 years ago

I'm glad you mentioned semantics because having looked at some Swift docs from that perspective I'm not sure it can quite do the job (and wasn't even able to find a storage provider that used it). One of the legs holding up sparsebak's speed & efficiency is POSIX fs semantics. Which is why I think little old sftp may cut it if the others don't. Interestingly, amazon s3 offers sftp which gives me hope others do as well.

What I need at a minimum in addition to put, get, delete is a very efficient mv/rename that works in some kind of hierarchical directory (or tags holding a 'directory' string). Oddly enough, when I looked at Swift I did not notice a way to delete. Additionally, if I am to implement deduplication without some tedious and gross code, then I am going to need a link equivalent as well which sftp has.

Finally, there needs to be some easily accessible API on my client end to allow me to stream files out like sausage links. I may have to make a dependency to a non-core library (or tool like sshfs) in order to do that.

tasket commented 5 years ago

It appears that the Amazon s3 protocol is open and used by a number of other cloud storage providers, more than sftp, and the API is easy to use from python. So I'm listing it as a candidate for now.

The doubt I have about s3 protocol is whether their mv is as efficient as sftp (which is essentially posix), and whether they have anything that can take the place of ln. The latter will be necessary to implement deduplication without having to create and manage a separate abstraction layer of my own. If s3 can't link or cow-copy, then I'm inclined to stay with sftp.

Amazon themselves have been gradually moving s3 tools in the direction of posix, and now offer actual sftp access, so I'd just assume use the real thing. The irony here would be that I have to listen to ppl whine about no s3 protocol support bc they have to resort to the service provided by Amazon.

tasket commented 2 years ago

This looks really useful: https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse

darthShadow commented 2 years ago

Perhaps rclone?


tasket commented 2 years ago

Perhaps rclone?


Interesting, but rather heavy (14MB compressed). FUSE is a much better deal, IMO, and I get the impression that tools like @rclone exist because of Windows usage patterns. OTOH, rclone can mount remote storage as a local fs so "there ya go"... like FUSE you can already use it with Wyng. :)

With FUSE and rclone available, the question about protocol support becomes more about whether Wyng will integrate the process of connecting remotely or leave it to the user or a GUI shell to make the connection.

darthShadow commented 2 years ago

Honestly, I am not sure if it's worth adding all the complexity that comes with adding such functionality natively. Perhaps you could just link to rclone for that or use its python wrapper? https://github.com/rclone/rclone/tree/master/librclone#python

tlaurion commented 2 years ago

This looks really useful: https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse @tasket any progress?

I have read the docs in diagonal, and it seems it would resolve my stalled PoC with rsync.net, since buckets seems to be able to be configured as read only with other access keys?

tasket commented 2 years ago

See issue #101 about sshfs performance.

DemiMarie commented 2 months ago

The doubt I have about s3 protocol is whether their mv is as efficient as sftp (which is essentially posix), and whether they have anything that can take the place of ln. The latter will be necessary to implement deduplication without having to create and manage a separate abstraction layer of my own. If s3 can't link or cow-copy, then I'm inclined to stay with sftp.

You were right to be skeptical. Object stores like S3 are flat key/value stores with no heirarchy, so ln is impossible and mv implemented as a copy. S3 does support atomic PUT operations, but that’s about it. Range requests are also supported, so one can get only the part of an object one is actually interested in.

Generally, object stores expect one to perform large, independent accesses and be able to tolerate substantial per-access latency. Individual objects can be very large, though, allowing high throughput. It is also possible to efficiently operate on multiple objects in parallel, but this requires that one can submit multiple requests before knowing any of the results.

Looking at https://github.com/tasket/wyng-backup/blob/5f153e4c155cd4e400ad85e8b1d6fa08a1508300/doc/Wyng_Archive_Format_V3.md, it seems that the current design is very much more suited to a file system than to object storage. For object storage, I would go with something like this:

/root_metadata # contains list of volumes and basic metadata about each of them

Here, the session*_meta entries contain the (encrypted and authenticated) metadata, represented as something like the following (in JSON):

    "version": 1,
    "keys": [
        { "start": 1234, "size": 5678, "name": "/volume1/session1_data", "hash": "000000000000000000" }
        { "start": 1234, "size": 5678, "name": "/volume1/session2_data", "hash": "000000000000000000" }

The key differences are:

  1. Far shorter critical path for accessing an object. At most, I need to read 4 objects in order:
    1. /root_metadata
    2. /volume1
    3. /volume1/session2_meta
    4. The objects (or portions of objects) /volume1/session2_meta refers to.
  2. Deduplication is implemented manually. Instead of requiring that a read from /volume1/session2_data return data from other objects, /volume1/session2_meta specifies where the data is. Wyng itself makes parallel request to obtain all of the data chunks and returns the result as a single stream.

This is more work on Wyng’s part, but allows Wyng to use cheap, scalable object storage, rather than a file system that is much harder to scale horizontally.

tlaurion commented 1 month ago

Interesting. I guess other exists, never tried Microsoft one drive https://github.com/oxalica/orb

This creates a usable block device that can be formatted as a mountable btrfs device.

tasket commented 1 month ago

I'm moving this up to milestone v0.9.

DemiMarie commented 1 month ago

Interesting. I guess other exists, never tried Microsoft one drive https://github.com/oxalica/orb

This creates a usable block device that can be formatted as a mountable btrfs device.

This will have vastly inferior performance to a real block device, and it poses a major security risk if one considers Onedrive to be untrusted. This is because btrfs considers the block device to be trusted.

I strongly recommend implementing native support for object storage in wyng-backup instead.

tlaurion commented 1 month ago

@DemiMarie the alternative here, not to dismiss this cloud based storage because that is needed and ssh servers from my past PoC attempts are rare outside of self-hosting and self-managing a VPS, will be to to self host the backup archives, which needs work in parallel.

We are talking about QuebesOS user base here and I can already see some push back into hosting private backups, into any cloud provider.

The solution to this, which I'm working on in parallel, is to have easy recipe to self host said wyng archives through self-made NAS on top of OpenWRT supported models.

I have a working PoC I'm using daily, which fixes needed to make this work were worked on and fixed already, but traces of the discussions are under https://github.com/tasket/wyng-backup/issues/195

kocmo commented 1 month ago


Generally, object stores expect one to perform large, independent accesses and be able to tolerate substantial per-access latency

If using existing Wyng storage model verbatim, storing individual chunks as individual units of data - that would probably suggest larger Wyng chunk sizes (1-16M chunks?) - to decrease the overhead of API calls per chunk. As deduplication efficiency will go down with increased chunk size, wondering whether resulting dedup efficiency will still be acceptable.

For example, Duplicacy uses variable-length chunks in that range, they target 4M chunks on average.

2. Deduplication is implemented manually

In case of S3 pruning will be somewhat more complicated than with filesystem-based storage:

On the other hand, for those cloud storage options that support garbage collection / reference counting for blobs - Wyng could offload much deduplication complexity to them.


See issue https://github.com/tasket/wyng-backup/issues/101 about sshfs performance.

Google returns interesting performance differences between sftp vs. sshfs vs. rclone sftp mount vs. rsync over ssh - may be worthwhile to benchmark.

tasket commented 1 month ago

FWIW, the current max chunk size in Wyng is 2MB. Big chunks aren't good for deduplication, though.

I've thought about the content-only addressing angle for some time (Wyng V3 format is a hybrid of offset and content addressing). Probably the most effective way to reclaim space from unused chunks, without scanning the whole archive directory on every prune or delete, is to create a differential run something like what receive --use-snapshot does when restoring backward in time vs the snapshot; instead of a single snapshot's manifest being the baseline, a pan-archive merge of all manifests would serve that role. In this case, uniq or diff tells us which of the 'deleted' chunks for this prune/delete op are actually no longer referenced. This could be done at the end of each prune or delete call, or as its own batch operation. I'm guessing the overhead for this would be noticeable (filesystems handling hardlinks is still more efficient) but still much less time and complexity burden than other methods like variable-sized blocks which sometimes have to be broken-up and possibly re-encoded.

The problem with keeping a separate chunk map of any kind is you now have the logistical problem of cache coherency (Wyng already has a 1-layer cache coherency challenge, adding another persistent layer is something to avoid if possible).