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unable to run model with non-overlapping planned missingness #238

Closed khusmann closed 1 month ago

khusmann commented 11 months ago

Hello! I'm trying to run an EFA with planned missingness. The challenge is that the missing pattern is such that there are no complete observations:


example_data <- data.frame(
  item1 = rnorm(90),
  item2 = rnorm(90),
  item3 = rnorm(90),
  item4 = c(rnorm(30), rep(NA, 60)),
  item5 = c(rep(NA, 30), rnorm(30), rep(NA, 30)),
  item6 = c(rep(NA, 60), rnorm(30))

umxEFA(example_data, factors=1)

Running this fails on umx_var. Here's the error & traceback():

A latent variable 'F1' was created. 
Error in var(df, use = use) : no complete element pairs

6: var(df, use = use)
5: umx_var(data, format = "diag")
4: xmu_check_variance(data[, setdiff(namesNeeded, fullCovs), drop = FALSE])
3: xmu_make_mxData(data = data, type = type, verbose = verbose)
2: umxRAM(model = name, data = data, autoRun = FALSE, umxPath(factors, 
       to = manifests, connect = "unique.bivariate"), umxPath(v.m. = manifests), 
       umxPath(v1m0 = factors))
1: umxEFA(example_data, factors = 1)

Running umx_var(example_data) confirms the error; looks like it's called to compute starting values.

Is there a way we can either 1) create starting values without complete obs, or 2) pass our own starting values to bypass this error?

Thanks for taking a look at this!

Here's my umx version info, for completeness:

umx version: 4.19.0
OpenMx version: 2.21.8 [GIT v2.21.8]
R version: R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-conda-linux-gnu
Default optimizer: SLSQP
NPSOL-enabled?: No
OpenMP-enabled?: Yes