tboox / tbox

🎁 A glib-like multi-platform c library
Apache License 2.0
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algorithm container coroutines cross-platform iterator json network plist stream tbox xmake xml
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A glib-like cross-platform C library

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Introduction (中文)

TBOX is a glib-like cross-platform C library that is simple to use yet powerful in nature.

The project focuses on making C development easier and provides many modules (.e.g stream, coroutine, regex, container, algorithm ...), so that any developer can quickly pick it up and enjoy the productivity boost when developing in C language.

It supports the following platforms: Windows, Macosx, Linux, Android, iOS, *BSD and etc.

And it provides many compiling options using xmake:

If you want to know more, please refer to: Documents, Github and Gitee


The stream library

The coroutine library

The database library

The xml parser library

The serialization and deserialization library

The memory library

The container library

The algorithm library

The network library

The platform library

The charset library

The zip library

The utils library

The math library

The libc library

The libm library

The regex library

The hash library


Some projects using tbox:

Build (xmake)

Please install xmake first: xmake

# build for the host platform
$ cd ./tbox
$ xmake

# build for the mingw platform
$ cd ./tbox
$ xmake f -p mingw --sdk=/home/mingwsdk
$ xmake

# build for the iphoneos platform
$ cd ./tbox
$ xmake f -p iphoneos
$ xmake

# build for the android platform
$ cd ./tbox
$ xmake f -p android --ndk=xxxxx
$ xmake

# build for the linux cross-platform
$ cd ./tbox
$ xmake f -p linux --sdk=/home/sdk # --bin=/home/sdk/bin
$ xmake

Build (xmake.sh)

$ ./configure
$ make


#include "tbox/tbox.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    if (!tb_init(tb_null, tb_null)) return 0;

    tb_vector_ref_t vector = tb_vector_init(0, tb_element_str(tb_true));
    if (vector) {
        tb_vector_insert_tail(vector, "hello");
        tb_vector_insert_tail(vector, "tbox");

        tb_for_all (tb_char_t const*, cstr, vector) {
            tb_trace_i("%s", cstr);
    return 0;

Technical Support

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