tbounsiar / ceph-hv

Vagrant ceph cluster runing on hyper-v vms
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Installing a Ceph cluster using Vagrant and Windows Hyper-V


Ceph is an open-source, distributed storage system designed for scalability, reliability, and performance. It provides object storage, block storage, and file storage services in a single platform.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yQKiqKUw70&t=23s


Before getting started, ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:

Hyper-V: Ensure that Hyper-V is installed and enabled on your Windows machine.

Vagrant: An open-source tool for building and managing virtualized development environments. Download it from Vagrant Downloads.

From your host machine

Clone vagrant project

git clone https://github.com/tbounsiar/ceph-hv.git

Install vagrant hostmanager plugin

cd ceph-hv
vagrant plugin install hostmanager
vagrant up

From machine where you run ansible

Link to the Ceph Ansible documentation https://docs.ceph.com/projects/ceph-ansible/en/latest/

Prepare the environment

# Clone ceph-ansible and choose you version
git clone https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible.git
cd ceph-ansible
git checkout stable-7.0

# install pip
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y python3-pip

# Install pip requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Install ansible
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible

# Install ansible-galaxy requirements
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

# Copy the needed files
cp site.yml.sample site.yml
cp group_vars/all.yml.sample group_vars/all.yml
cp group_vars/osds.yml.sample group_vars/osds.yml

Uncomment and Make updates on file

Update all.yml

ceph_origin: repository
ceph_repository: community
ceph_stable_release: pacific
monitor_interface: eth0
journal_size: 1024
dashboard_enabled: True
dashboard_admin_user: admin
dashboard_admin_password: p@ssw0rd
grafana_admin_user: admin
grafana_admin_password: admin

Update file osds.yml

run this command on each nodes to verify disks paths in all osds


Update file osds.yml

  - /dev/sdb
  - /dev/sdc

copy inventories dir from ceph-hv to ceph-ansible

ansible -i inventories/hyperv all -m ping
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hyperv site.yml -v

Verify Ceph Cluster

After the Ansible playbooks have completed, verify the status of your Ceph cluster.

You can use Ceph Dashboard https://node-4:8443

For Grafana https://node-5:3000