tc39 / proposal-type-annotations

ECMAScript proposal for type syntax that is erased - Stage 1
4.13k stars 44 forks source link

Update #194

Closed ctcpip closed 9 months ago

egasimus commented 9 months ago

Note: while I agree that there should be rules for keeping a conversation civil, and that disregarding the code of conduct would achieve nothing, I would like to leave a few thoughts here.

As a survivor of narcissistic abuse, and as a member of a partially Westernized society where certain maladaptive human behaviors remain the foundation upon which all else is built, I'm unfortunately very familiar with how one could argue in bad faith and act with utmost disregard for the well-being of others - while maintaining an outwards appearance of conformance to the "rules of the room", the precepts of civilized behavior, and those of basic human decency.

To me, the TC39 CoC seems to be written in a very "flexible" way that leaves it open to arbitrary and prejudiced enforcement. Personally, I can live with that, yet I would still like to implore people who participate in the important conversations happening here to bear it in mind - by not taking everything they read at face value, and not expecting everything they say to be taken at face value, either. We can all benefit from a greater regard for nuance.

Good support for type annotations is critical to the ECMAScript ecosystem - and thus to many people's livelihoods. As has been pointed out previously, the overwhelming majority of these people are not participating in the current conversations. We should bear them in mind, too. Even though, as non-participants, they are not even bound by the CoC, they would still be subject to whatever effect the current discussions will ultimately have on future developments. Once the debate is over, that's what will remain.

I think it's safe to say that we all feel some frustration with the direction the JS world has been taking. Years of churn have left each one of us with their own singular viewpoint which, while valid on the object level, may not be trivial to communicate - as what little common ground we have seems to be undergoing rapid erosion, even when we talk about purely technical matters, where "correct" and "incorrect" are valid and beneficial categories. That's a thing which makes me much more than "sad", but I do believe we are collectively able to work out such a way to unfork JavaScript that would make everyone's lives easier.

Here's to mutual understanding :beers:

ljharb commented 9 months ago

@egasimus the place to discuss this would be on the code of conduct repo itself, not here. I'm going to hide these as off topic.

egasimus commented 9 months ago

@egasimus the place to discuss this would be on the code of conduct repo itself, not here. I'm going to hide these as off topic.

@ljharb That's your prerogative. I'm attempting to communicate it to the participants in this repo. :man_shrugging: Nothing more to add.

ctcpip commented 9 months ago

This file should live in a .github repo and not in any individual repo.

~It's on my list~ complete :)

ljharb commented 9 months ago