Added the GitHub profile analyzer file that finds similarity between user GitHub profile and the job description passed to the 'find_similarity' function.
We will be able to find how well does a GitHub profile match with the provided job description.
The 'find_similarity' function must be passed with github username and job description corpus (as a list).
Both the user and job corpuses will be preprocessed and then converted to tfidf vectors.
Cosine similarity will then be found between these corpuses and returned.
A word cloud of matching words between corpuses will also be displayed.
[FEAT] Initialized github analyzer file
Added the GitHub profile analyzer file that finds similarity between user GitHub profile and the job description passed to the 'find_similarity' function.
We will be able to find how well does a GitHub profile match with the provided job description.
The 'find_similarity' function must be passed with github username and job description corpus (as a list).
Both the user and job corpuses will be preprocessed and then converted to tfidf vectors.
Cosine similarity will then be found between these corpuses and returned.
A word cloud of matching words between corpuses will also be displayed.