Open balderman1 opened 1 month ago
Same like issue 1101 - web page is black, no errors in log
Adding my config file below.
micronaut: server: context-path: "" # if behind a reverse proxy, path to akhq without trailing slash (optional). Example: akhq is # behind a reverse proxy with url http://my-server/akhq, set context-path: "/akhq". # Not needed if you're behind a reverse proxy with subdomain akhq: server: access-log: # Access log configuration (optional) enabled: true # true by default name: org.akhq.log.access # Logger name format: "[Date: {}] [Duration: {} ms] [Url: {} {}] [Status: {}] [Ip: {}] [User: {}]" # Logger format # Custom HTTP response headers configuration customHttpResponseHeaders: - name: "Content-Security-Policy" value: "default-src 'none'; frame-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self'; form-action 'self'; upgrade-insecure-requests" - name: "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies" value: "none" # default kafka properties for each clients, available for admin / producer / consumer (optional) clients-defaults: consumer: properties: isolation.level: read_committed # list of kafka cluster available for akhq connections: my-cluster-plain-text: # url friendly name for the cluster (letter, number, _, -, ... dot are not allowed here) properties: # standard kafka properties (optional) bootstrap.servers: "localhost:9092" deserialization: protobuf: # (optional) if descriptor-file properties are used descriptors-folder: "/app/protobuf_desc" topics-mapping: - topic-regex: "album.*" descriptor-file-base64: "Cs4BCgthbGJ1bS5wcm90bxIXY29tLm5ldGNyYWNrZXIucHJvdG9idWYidwoFQWxidW0SFAoFdGl0bGUYASABKAlSBXRpdGxlEhYKBmFydGlzdBgCIAMoCVIGYXJ0aXN0EiEKDHJlbGVhc2VfeWVhchgDIAEoBVILcmVsZWFzZVllYXISHQoKc29uZ190aXRsZRgEIAMoCVIJc29uZ1RpdGxlQiUKF2NvbS5uZXRjcmFja2VyLnByb3RvYnVmQgpBbGJ1bVByb3RvYgZwcm90bzM=" value-message-type: "org.akhq.utils.Album" - topic-regex: "film.*" descriptor-file-base64: "CuEBCgpmaWxtLnByb3RvEhRjb20uY29tcGFueS5wcm90b2J1ZiKRAQoERmlsbRISCgRuYW1lGAEgASgJUgRuYW1lEhoKCHByb2R1Y2VyGAIgASgJUghwcm9kdWNlchIhCgxyZWxlYXNlX3llYXIYAyABKAVSC3JlbGVhc2VZZWFyEhoKCGR1cmF0aW9uGAQgASgFUghkdXJhdGlvbhIaCghzdGFycmluZxgFIAMoCVIIc3RhcnJpbmdCIQoUY29tLmNvbXBhbnkucHJvdG9idWZCCUZpbG1Qcm90b2IGcHJvdG8z" value-message-type: "org.akhq.utils.Film" - topic-regex: "test.*" descriptor-file: "other.desc" key-message-type: "org.akhq.utils.Row" value-message-type: "org.akhq.utils.Envelope" # Ui Cluster Options (optional) ui-options: topic: default-view: ALL # default list view (ALL, HIDE_INTERNAL, HIDE_INTERNAL_STREAM, HIDE_STREAM). Overrides default skip-consumer-groups: false # Skip loading consumer group information when showing topics. Overrides default skip-last-record: true # Skip loading last record date information when showing topics. Overrides default show-all-consumer-groups: true # Expand list of consumer groups instead of showing one. Overrides default. topic-data: sort: NEWEST # default sort order (OLDEST, NEWEST) (default: OLDEST). Overrides default date-time-format: ISO # format of message timestamps (RELATIVE, ISO) (default: RELATIVE) my-cluster-ssl: properties: bootstrap.servers: "kafka:9093" security.protocol: SSL ssl.truststore.location: /app/truststore.jks ssl.truststore.password: password ssl.keystore.location: /app/keystore.jks ssl.keystore.password: password ssl.key.password: password my-cluster-sasl: properties: bootstrap.servers: "kafka:9094" security.protocol: SASL_SSL sasl.mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-256 sasl.jaas.config: required username="admin" password="password"; ssl.truststore.location: /app/truststore.jks ssl.truststore.password: password ssl.keystore.location: /app/keystore.jks ssl.keystore.password: password ssl.key.password: password pagination: page-size: 25 # number of elements per page (default : 25) threads: 16 # Number of parallel threads to resolve page # Groups definition groups: admin: - role: node-admin - role: topic-admin - role: connect-admin - role: registry-admin - role: group-read - role: connect-cluster-read - role: ksqldb-admin topic-reader: - role: topic-read - role: registry-admin topic-reader-dev: - role: topic-read clusters: ["dev"] - role: registry-admin clusters: ["dev"] topic-reader-project-prod: - role: topic-read patterns: ["project.*"] clusters: ["prod.*"] - role: registry-admin patterns: ["project.*"] clusters: ["prod.*"] # Basic auth configuration basic-auth: - username: user # Username password: pass # Password in sha256 groups: # Groups for the user - admin
Chrome Console
Same like issue 1101 - web page is black, no errors in log
Adding my config file below.