tchivs / Tc.Abp.Frameworks

Abp VNext Frameworks
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. #1

Open mhkhub opened 2 years ago

mhkhub commented 2 years ago


tchivs commented 2 years ago

you can run and blazor.server ,the wasm not finished

tchivs commented 2 years ago

图像已启用租户,但仍无法使用 blazor 服务器查看租户菜单

image have enabled tenant but still not able to see tenant menu using blazor server

Tenant management page has not been added(modules/identity)

tchivs commented 2 years ago
  1. identity project is merged in Web project because is only sample ,The ideal state is divided into 3 layers, identityserver, httpApi, Blazor (ssr&wasm), which will be reflected in subsequent template projects
  2. Use nacos as a microservice gateway, yes I want to do it
  3. only removed blazorise dependencies
tchivs commented 2 years ago

blazor Can't use vue components ,but we has ant-design-blazor

tchivs commented 2 years ago

I agree, so I chose BootstrapBlazor

tchivs commented 2 years ago

I added you to the contributors

tchivs commented 2 years ago