faps returns an error when run on sharcnet (updated with the most recent commit on bitbucket, and defaults.ini queue = sharcnet)
called /home/pboyd/bin/faps which is a soft link to the python code:
ERROR: can't find '' or it is not executable.
Job submission failed?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pboyd/bin/faps", line 2616, in <module>
File "/home/pboyd/bin/faps", line 2610, in main
File "/home/pboyd/bin/faps", line 179, in job_dispatcher
File "/home/pboyd/bin/faps", line 380, in run_dft
File "/home/pboyd/bin/faps", line 450, in run_vasp
jobid = self.job_handler.submit(dft_code, self.options)
File "/home/pboyd/codes_in_development/faps/job_handler.py", line 114, in _sharcnet_submit
return jobid
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'jobid' referenced before assignment
Original report by Peter Boyd (Bitbucket: pboyd, GitHub: pboyd).
faps returns an error when run on sharcnet (updated with the most recent commit on bitbucket, and defaults.ini queue = sharcnet) called /home/pboyd/bin/faps which is a soft link to the python code: