Closed tdhock closed 10 months ago
from check_one.R:
install.time <- system.time({
install.packages(rev.dep, dep=TRUE)
doc ?install.packages says TRUE implies only Depends/LinkingTo/Imports/Suggests (not Enhances)
dependencies: logical indicating whether to also install uninstalled
packages which these packages depend on/link
to/import/suggest (and so on recursively). Not used if
‘repos = NULL’. Can also be a character vector, a subset of
‘c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests",
actually this makes the checks take way too long. Instead of installing Enhances in check_one.R (now removed), now I try to put those in popular_deps.csv.. if that works TODO add docs about that in the "not available dependent packages" section.
params.teeout has the following output, which indicates that some packages were not able to install.
The downloaded source packages are in
Warning messages:
1: packages ‘rkward’, ‘ffbase’, ‘sl3’, ‘asreml’ are not available for this version of R
Versions of these packages for your version of R might be available elsewhere,
see the ideas at
2: In install.packages(some) :
installation of package ‘GenomeInfoDb’ had non-zero exit status
3: In install.packages(some) :
installation of package ‘Biostrings’ had non-zero exit status
4: In install.packages(some) :
installation of package ‘KEGGREST’ had non-zero exit status
5: In install.packages(some) :
installation of package ‘AnnotationDbi’ had non-zero exit status
6: In install.packages(some) :
installation of package ‘WGCNA’ had non-zero exit status says that asreml is a commercial package. ffbase was archived from CRAN sl3 seems to be on GitHub not CRAN, is nor on CRAN packages with non-zero exit status are from bioc, but we are able to download from bioc, since it is in repos, see below.
> dep <- read.csv("~/genomic-ml/data.table-revdeps/popular_deps.csv")$dep;ins <- rownames(installed.packages());print(some <- dep[!dep %in% ins]);install.packages(some)
[1] "rkward" "chron" "AER" "betareg"
[5] "ordinal" "survey" "eha" "simex"
[9] "leaflet" "aod" "biglm" "brglm"
[13] "caret" "crch" "earth" "ff"
[17] "ffbase" "gam" "gee" "glmx"
[21] "mclogit" "mda" "mlogit" "MNP"
[25] "plm" "pscl" "sampleSelection" "speedglm"
[29] "survey" "vegalite" "spacyr" "geojsonio"
[33] "sl3" "truncreg" "VGAM" "tis"
[37] "vdiffr" "ggdendro" "dendroextras" "WGCNA"
[41] "moduleColor" "distory" "phangorn" "cleaner"
[45] "janitor" "skimr" "tsibble" "asreml"
[49] "polyclip" "clock" "hardhat" "caTools"
[53] "recipes" "lpSolve" "lgr" "xgboost"
[57] "dotCall64" "spam" "RhpcBLASctl" "reticulate"
[61] "pROC" "" "multcomp" "RcppProgress"
[65] "rbibutils" "ipred" "Rdpack" "gower"
[69] "crul" "rcmdcheck" "urlchecker" "devtools"
[73] "patchwork" "kernlab" "kableExtra" "RcppTOML"
[77] "anytime" "ape" "ranger" "RSQLite"
[81] "rstatix" "prodlim" "ggsignif" "ggpubr"
[85] "mnormt" "spelling" "httpcode" "xopen"
[89] "profvis" "rversions" "fastmatch" "ggsci"
[93] "timeDate" "lava" "RCurl" "diagram"
[97] "sessioninfo" "polynom" "x13binary" "V8"
[101] "downlit" "here" "FNN" "corrplot"
[105] "triebeard" "urltools" "plogr" "SQUAREM"
[109] "hunspell" "pkgdown" "R.cache" "rstanarm"
[113] "hesim" "ctmm" "disk.frame" "nc"
[117] "data.table" "magrittr" "glue" "rlang"
[121] "R6" "jsonlite" "cli" "lifecycle"
[125] "pkgconfig" "digest" "vctrs" "withr"
[129] "utf8" "fansi" "pillar" "tibble"
[133] "evaluate" "fs" "stringi" "stringr"
[137] "ellipsis" "yaml" "Rcpp" "crayon"
[141] "fastmap" "base64enc" "xfun" "highr"
[145] "knitr" "htmltools" "ps" "processx"
[149] "callr" "rprojroot" "cachem" "memoise"
[153] "desc" "rematch2" "rappdirs" "pkgload"
[157] "diffobj" "brio" "praise" "waldo"
[161] "testthat" "jquerylib" "sass" "bslib"
[165] "tinytex" "rmarkdown" "RColorBrewer" "viridisLite"
[169] "colorspace" "farver" "labeling" "munsell"
[173] "scales" "gtable" "isoband" "ggplot2"
[177] "generics" "mime" "cpp11" "tidyselect"
[181] "curl" "dplyr" "purrr" "sys"
[185] "askpass" "openssl" "httr" "tidyr"
[189] "lazyeval" "htmlwidgets" "xml2" "backports"
[193] "RcppEigen" "commonmark" "gridExtra" "prettyunits"
[197] "plyr" "hms" "bit" "rstudioapi"
[201] "later" "promises" "bit64" "progress"
[205] "xtable" "zoo" "clipr" "rex"
[209] "RcppArmadillo" "iterators" "tzdb" "foreach"
[213] "httpuv" "png" "timechange" "lubridate"
[217] "numDeriv" "viridis" "DBI" "fontawesome"
[221] "sourcetools" "shiny" "covr" "checkmate"
[225] "vroom" "proxy" "readr" "crosstalk"
[229] "BH" "e1071" "reshape2" "abind"
[233] "mvtnorm" "sp" "broom" "igraph"
[237] "minqa" "parallelly" "assertthat" "nloptr"
[241] "globals" "listenv" "future" "systemfonts"
[245] "Formula" "jpeg" "lme4" "zip"
[249] "deldir" "doParallel" "SparseM" "MatrixModels"
[253] "uuid" "quantreg" "whisker" "forcats"
[257] "future.apply" "classInt" "units" "interp"
[261] "bitops" "R.oo" "R.methodsS3" "R.utils"
[265] "brew" "wk" "latticeExtra" "markdown"
[269] "selectr" "s2" "sf" "rvest"
[273] "ggrepel" "htmlTable" "rematch" "plotly"
[277] "miniUI" "raster" "Hmisc" "cellranger"
[281] "sandwich" "XML" "blob" "readxl"
[285] "pbkrtest" "RcppParallel" "carData" "DT"
[289] "car" "roxygen2" "shape" "remotes"
[293] "progressr" "gtools" "cowplot" "quadprog"
[297] "haven" "xts" "webshot" "matrixStats"
[301] "credentials" "gitcreds" "ini" "gert"
[305] "gh" "usethis" "pbapply" "lmtest"
[309] "coda" "maps" "svglite" "textshaping"
[313] "ragg" "pkgbuild" "glmnet"
Warning: dependencies ‘GO.db’, ‘GenomeInfoDbData’ are not available
also installing the dependencies ‘zlibbioc’, ‘XVector’, ‘GenomeInfoDb’, ‘Biostrings’, ‘bbmle’, ‘fastGHQuad’, ‘gmp’, ‘DEoptimR’, ‘plotrix’, ‘protolite’, ‘geometries’, ‘jsonify’, ‘rapidjsonr’, ‘sfheaders’, ‘BiocGenerics’, ‘Biobase’, ‘IRanges’, ‘S4Vectors’, ‘KEGGREST’, ‘ggridges’, ‘tensorA’, ‘distributional’, ‘inline’, ‘QuickJSR’, ‘colourpicker’, ‘dygraphs’, ‘shinyjs’, ‘shinythemes’, ‘threejs’, ‘deSolve’, ‘mstate’, ‘muhaz’, ‘rstpm2’, ‘Rmpfr’, ‘RSpectra’, ‘robustbase’, ‘lobstr’, ‘fstcore’, ‘bigassertr’, ‘benchmarkmeData’, ‘flexmix’, ‘modeltools’, ‘ucminf’, ‘mitools’, ‘leaflet.providers’, ‘profileModel’, ‘ModelMetrics’, ‘scoringRules’, ‘plotmo’, ‘TeachingDemos’, ‘memisc’, ‘dfidx’, ‘statmod’, ‘bdsmatrix’, ‘collapse’, ‘maxLik’, ‘miscTools’, ‘systemfit’, ‘base64’, ‘geojson’, ‘geojsonsf’, ‘jqr’, ‘dynamicTreeCut’, ‘fastcluster’, ‘impute’, ‘preprocessCore’, ‘AnnotationDbi’, ‘snakecase’, ‘repr’, ‘bayesplot’, ‘loo’, ‘posterior’, ‘rstan’, ‘rstantools’, ‘shinystan’, ‘StanHeaders’, ‘flexsurv’, ‘msm’, ‘Bessel’, ‘expm’, ‘fasttime’, ‘Gmedian’, ‘gsl’, ‘manipulate’, ‘parsedate’, ‘pbivnorm’, ‘pracma’, ‘terra’, ‘pryr’, ‘fst’, ‘bigreadr’, ‘benchmarkme’, ‘arrow’, ‘httr2’
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 163378 bytes (159 KB)
downloaded 159 KB
Why are GO.db and GenomeInfoDbData not available? they are not in the bioc release repository. bioc now uses a bunch of different repos,
> BiocManager:::.repositories(character(), version = BiocManager::version())
on they recommend installing via code below,
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install("GO.db") should fix the GO.db issue at least.
asreml is in Enhances which I believe we do not install