tdwg / infrastructure

TDWG infrastructure
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Make sure all IG have a GitHub repo #80

Open peterdesmet opened 7 years ago

peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

Below are the interest groups for which the conveners presented conclusions at the closing session of the TDWG 2016 conference. All of these need a space on GitHub to collaborate. I'm tracking the status of this task in this issue.

peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

@jmacklin, is this "Services" already an IG (with a charter) and is there need for a repo?

peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

@jmacklin, seems there is: So, is there a need for a repo?

peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

Hi @debpaul, you presented Software Carpentry at closing session. Is this an interest group and would you need a repo under TDWG?

peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

@ghwhitbread does TAG need a repo or does the current mailing list suffice?

debpaul commented 7 years ago

Hi Peter, No, we're not an IG - we were asked to share feedback b/c local hosts and TDWG were prominent in asking for this workshop - and making it possible :-) Deb

Sent from shoe (iPhone)

peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

@debpaul great, I'll remove it from the above list then. 🇨🇷

ghwhitbread commented 7 years ago

@peterdesmet Yes please Peter, TAG will need at least one repos for business and perhaps a second for public access. TAG mail list seems to have more members than TDWG.

peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

@ghwhitbread bread, so at least one private repo?

ghwhitbread commented 7 years ago

@peterdesmet Yes. Private repo for TAG.

peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

@ghwhitbread done! You should have received an invitation through email.

PacoPando commented 7 years ago

Hi @peterdesmet ,

Regarding the Species information: IG, and after ite IG meeting at TDWG2016, this is what is needed:

A repository for the IG, that it is titled as "TSI" (TDWG Specied Information IG

A repository for Plinian Core, that now becomes a TG under the TSI IG; the two current repositores (sources & documentation) to be merged in one).

The old "Invasive Species Interest Group (ISIG)", becomes a TG under the TSI, and a repository for this is needed. I assume that Annie Simpson (convener) has talked to you about it

I guess you have to invite me to those repositories to start populating them...

As for reporting, following TAG makes sense to me.


peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

Hi @PacoPando, I've created a separate issue for moving the PlinianCore to TDWG: #82 Thus, for this issue remains: