teagan75 / Metamorphoses-2

Different Kind of Wasteland Pack
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Minecolonies and Tektopia integration #13

Open teagan75 opened 4 years ago

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Couple disappointments today: 1. Allowing another minecolony in the nether does not work even when the config is enabled. 2. Tektopia miners do not recognize nether ores as ore. So, mining in the nether will have to be done using machines. Thinking of ways to incorporate tektopia into overworld city

Edit: A lot of the minecolonies structures are valid tektopia structures. So that would be interesting integration. I have already included a schematic for a tavern once you get to brewcraft. I am going to move this to a new issue so we can keep it open for discussion.

Originally posted by @teagan75 in https://github.com/teagan75/Metamorphoses-2/issues/12#issuecomment-639121080

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Lots of upgrading houses so babies can move in lol. I am just rambling as I add quests for tektopia

Edit: WOOT! They eat harvestcraft food. I guess I should have figured that since they ate the plum lol

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

I really wish tektopia was more compatible. The items they use should be ore dict not static vanilla. For instance breeding should include all harvestcraft items.

Edit: wait I think I just saw the rancher use the hc beets.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Thats good. I know Tango Tek said it wasn't compatible with a lot of mods. He hasn't updated since Oct.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Do you plan to update today? If not I am going to pull the black ink out of creative.

That builder he loses a lot of supplies. I have given him 2 red beds so far for that house upgrade...he broke the bed in the house to upgrade and now he is complaining he doesn't have on....grrrrr....I need a deliveryman...but I need a kiddo for that.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

I am very close to updating today. I just wanted to see if my script makes the tektopia rancher feed the cows with barley.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Oh good...Another question. Can tumbleweeds be turned off in the mines? I have a spot by the doorway that they keep spawning in and they killed my npc and now me. I got "squished" trying to enter the mine. 2020-06-07_13 12 28

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

no there is no blacklisting dimensions. I have not come across tumbleweeds in the mine 😮

Edit: they shouldn't be in the mines since the biome is the void and that isn't whitelisted. Was there one at the door of the mine in the overworld? I know they are considered entities so perhaps they went through the portal.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I watched them and they spawned in the mine and bounced to the the edge of the portal like they were trying to get out. This wasn't a problem before and the last couple times I went in the mine I was starting to get pelted. I had entered the mine and talked to Brandon and worked my way to level 40 and I had to leave to get more torches. Brandon disappeared...and the tumbleweeds were spawning and moving and bounce on the corner of the portal...I batted them and snuck out the portal. Looked for brandon there and he wasn't up there in the list. Grabbed torches went back through the portal and got instantly squished. Respawned and went back in got pelted again...down to one heart..but survived this time. Looked for Brandon and he wasn't there either so I have to respawn him in. The tumbleweeds seem to pick and area to spawn in for a while (I am forever pelting them in the builders hut). I never saw them in the mine earlier...but it seems they have found it. I'll see if I can get a picture of them spawning in.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

ok. I just pushed an update now

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

After a restart...Brandon came back. Tumbleweeds definitely spawning about two blocks in and to the left of the portal....and bouncing the the right corner. Brandon took damage walking through them as they spawned. 2020-06-07_13 35 43

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Installing now. I am going to consider those tumbleweeds as the Luck Gods punishing me again for something and leave it at that. I'll just have to keep ducking and bring plenty of food.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

I put in a request for a config option to blacklist dimensions

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

This is how my day has gone: I am so distracted that I left my game running for at least an hour. I come back to barbarians all over my town! I am surprised they didn't kill off more of my people ☚ī¸

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Yeah.....I hear you. LOL I haven't had the barbarians yet. One time I paused my game...the 4yo got on my computer unpaused the game....climbed up my guard tower and was shooting at the mobs and they came up and got my guards killed. He can use a computer. He can log in and start his games and play mine, the little monster...LOL.

At least for me the Luck gods started smiling at me a bit. The tumbleweeds have shifted a bit so I don't get smacked as soon as I go in the mine, and a sunflower finally spawned 2020-06-07_16 43 19

Seems like they moved to you to give you the bad luck by having the barbarians spawn.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Yep. My minecolonists are on vacation too because their saturation was red lol. It's a good thing because of the invasion they were all in their houses

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

The one time you are glad they were on STRIKE...LOL

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Did you include the schematic for the Tektopia town hall?

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Yes, the town hall is a reward for the first Building Crew quest in the Village chapter

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Okay....I can't find that in the Village chapter. This is what I see: 2020-06-07_19 49 36

The first Tektopia quest I see is the extra Farmhands. I thought that was out of place...and I made the TownHall token and was looking for the schematic and couldn't find it.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

you ran the quest to reload the book? Click on the clipboard and see if the quest changed

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Yeah...the /bq_admin default load. Did it even after the hotfix. I didn't have the Extra Farmhands before now I do, but I do not have the First building crew quest.

The Minecolonies clipboard?

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

the quest that has the icon of the clipboard

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

2020-06-07_20 39 37 2020-06-07_20 39 39

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I have opened that, but I don't remember making the token yet because I thought I needed the crystal amethyst. I'll need to see if there any other award available for it. I think that might have been the day I was not feeling well and had to take extra pain medicine. I'm typing this on my phone. Clipboard! smacks head My screenshot even had that in there. But I don't remember getting the guild hall and I have just made the token today.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

hmmm it may have messed up when updating. Just pull the guild hall out of creative. This won't happen to new worlds or if someone hasn't completed that quest yet. I also give a bard for free after you purchase the goddess pond so that may have messed up too

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I bought the goddess pond blueprint before the update so yeah I'll have to get the bard too.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I guess since I already completed those quests and took the rewards then, It didn't show the new rewards. The quests are correct Not sure why the Building quest shows that I have 60 of the town hall tokens....LOL I don't think we have 60 slots in our inventory!

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Those Luck gods are NOT amusing.... Late afternoon, builder JUST finished building the second house upgrade....and I get a popup that a HORDE of barbarians were spotted Northwest of my town. Run to my house grab my sword and came out in a big fight. 20 of them and I swear 15 of them were archers....took out my guards and me twice. Could have been worse...at least I spawned in my house and I did get them before they got my villagers...but really? Let me have a day to enjoy my house. LOL

Anyways brings me to my question. Do you have a barracks quest in one of the quest lines? I see the devs of Minecolonies did get the warning of barbarians to announce which way they were arriving from. (Improvement from the beta where it only told you in the barracks. And do you have a post box quest for minecolonies?

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

I thought I gave a post box reward but I must have forgot. Is there a prerequisite for it like a warehouse or can you use it right away?

The barracks was moved to the city chapter. Oh a tektopia villagers don't work in the rain 🙄

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

You need a warehouse and delivery man for the postbox to be useful. Once I get some crafters, I start requesting items before I get the builder to build stuff. That way it doesn't take as long. Ugh...they took out the sort button in the warehouse for this version. I'll need to check rewards again to see if I need to craft one.

Yeah, they stay in. Hmm I wonder if minecolony guards will attack the necromancer? Minecolnies have a config for rain but not Tektopia.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Ugh...they took out the sort button in the warehouse for this version. I'll need to check rewards again to see if I need to craft one.

It comes with a later upgrade.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Once I get some crafters, I start requesting items before I get the builder to build stuff.

Ikr sometimes I just go to the warehouse and get the stuff 😛

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

You need a warehouse and delivery man for the postbox to be useful.

Going to give the postbox as a reward for the warehouse quest.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I request things collect them and put them in the warehouse for later....lol

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Also, it seems the pig will be the only easy pen for the Rancher since they will use harvestcraft beets. Otherwise they will only use vanilla seed and wheat. Unless I can work some magic.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Oh...right, they only use wheat and seeds their gather(with the green id) for the animals...ugh...I forgot about that.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

ok I will test with beet seeds and barley they pick up. But they use wheat they haven't harvested. I oredict all the grain crops with cropWheat but still no. So, I can't figure out why they will use harvestcraft beets. Seriously, there is no excuse for a mod dev not to use the oredict to be compatible

Edit: nope they will only use vanilla wheat and seeds regardless if they are green or not. But they use beets idk

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Yeah I agree.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

FYI, I changed the reward for this quest too.

2020-06-08_15 33 37

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I like that very much.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

I am using the prefab warehouse for the tektopia storage building and it is working btw. They use the chests on the floor and I can put stuff in the chests above for myself. The other levels they won't use either so that is my space as well.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

I place the tektopia guard icons on minecolony guard towers too and it works very well

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Good tips. I'm still working on the warehouse building. My lumberjack is lazy. I need more wood!

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

My lumberjack started to ignore the zone I set so I fired her so quick lol

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I haven't had much luck with the zone. I put cobblestone under trees that need to be kept, except I forgot one in the park and he found it. Lol!

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

my tektopia guy cut down my park trees lol. Except the dark oak one. Now my tektopia and minecolony lumberjacks share the arboretum. They each get half

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I will have to do that. My Minecolonies Lumberjack doesn't understand boarders. I put my mining hill OUTSIDE the border and thinking he wouldn't go over there....I was outside the colony boarder AND outside his prescribed border....I didn't put cobble under them....I was wrong. 2020-06-09_09 03 53

Luckily he only got the one. LOL Do you ever have trouble with the sound in 12.2? I have to restart my game sometimes a couple times to get the sound to work.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

my lumberjack was fine until after their strike. I completely changed her for a new colonist.

I don't play with sound so I wouldn't notice.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

The sound I like. I can tell if I need to grab my watering can etc before I leave my house or if my lumberjack is working...LOL Beware of the Baby colonists...they climb anything. I put some vines on my house to have gifts for Fenn and they climbed them and got stuck on my roof...LOL 2020-06-08_12 02 24

Edit: When does the Nether gate portal come in? I forgot. I need nether quartz and I haven't gotten the gate yet.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I am confused on the Runes of Wizardary. I haven't played with them much. The Out of Torches quest require an Enhanced Runic Dictionary. I have the regular one. How does one get one without being able to make an enchantment table? (No obsidian, no nether yet)