teamhephy / controller

Hephy Workflow Controller (API)
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Attach host devices to containerized application #8

Open ramukima opened 6 years ago

ramukima commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to attach a webcam device to the containerized app that is managed via deis workflow ? e.g. --device option in docker.

I see that there is no way to attach volumes to the container using deis and that was a work in progress using addons.

kingdonb commented 6 years ago

I'm not aware of any support for addon volumes in Deis, but I was able to find this issue on the deis/workflow repo:

deis addons command should work with k8s service brokers deis/workflow#741

@ramukima Can you link on this issue report, any other docs you've found relating to this? The last thing I saw is that planned support was not delivered in 2.14, 2.15, or 2.16, and it was unscheduled after that. I have to assume there has been some supporting documentation generated about it, but I'm still getting up to speed on what was WIP when Deis team started to get diverted to work on other stuff.

We will certainly want to add first-class support for attaching volumes somehow to Deis. I am not sure how it would look to add a webcam, but you will certainly need some selectors to ensure your webcam server pod lands on the node with the webcam device attached to it.

ramukima commented 6 years ago

@kingdonb Thanks for your reply. I do not see --device option much different from --volume option. Just like the host volume path must exist when a --volume option is used, the device path must exist on the host when --device option is used.

Sure, agree that there must be application metadata to allow for node selection, but I assumed that was also the case with volumes, no ?

ramukima commented 6 years ago

Other references -

kingdonb commented 6 years ago

Sure, that's the case with volumes also, but attaching volumes through the pod spec are also not supported by Deis Workflow as far as I know. (Not yet)

Cryptophobia commented 6 years ago

Yes, this is currently not supported as far as I am aware and seems a little out-of-scope and very specific. It should be added as add-on feature.

Just like @mboersma mentions in

Developers should be able to list, provision and deprovision services available to them through the deis workflow cli. This is forward-looking, anticipating a service broker implementation that eventually comes out of k8s sig-service-catalog efforts, or steward.

This could be implemented as a deis CLI plugin, if we want to keep things decoupled or vendor-neutral.