teamraincoat / agricat

Enrollment application for agricultural insurance policies
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Raincoat Enrollment App


  1. node 14.17.3
  2. react-native-cli
  3. cocoapods (ios) 1.11.2
  4. docker desktop

Note: If you've not environment setup for React Native Application, you can set up by following this url in your local machine.


  1. run npm install or yarn install
  2. run cd ios && pod install
  3. back to project folder and run npm start to start the package
  4. open another terminal and run react-native run-ios or react-native run-android from VSCode or you can open project from xcode and android studio to run application.
  5. start developing

Local Development Database

  1. run docker compose up -d
  2. open in the browser
  3. login with username: admin and password couchdb
  4. create a database names enrollees

Seed Database

  1. run yarn seed-db

Enrollee Model for México

Current database fields (WIP):

Name Doc Field Name Description
Nombre firstName The enrollee's first name
Apellido Paterno lastName The enrollee's last name
Apellido Materno surName The enrollee's surname
Fecha de nacimiento dob The enrollee's date of birth
CURP curp The enrollee's government ID number
Sexo gender The enrollee's gender
Numero de celular mobilePhone The enrollee's mobile phone
Calle y numero address1 The enrollee's street address line 1
Localidad locality The enrollee's locality
Municipio municipality TBD The enrollee's municipality
Entidad Federativa TBD TBD
Coordenadas geoJson The enrollee's coordinates in geoJson
Superficie asegurada coveredArea The enrollee's covered crop area
Cultivo crop The enrollee's covered crop
Tipo de cultivo cropType The enrollee's covered crop type
Ciclo (Temporada de Cobertura) cropCycle The season for the covered crop
Fecha de solicitud applicationTime The date of application
Folio de seguimiento publicId The policy's public id
Inicio de Vigencia effectiveTime The policy's active date
Numero de tarjeta TBD TBD