tech-squares / govdocs

Tech Squares governing documents (constitution, standing policies)
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Changes to be considered for Duties section #10

Closed vboyce closed 7 years ago

vboyce commented 8 years ago

? Standing policy review for President

? Rooming is in charge of event reg

? Booking needs to provide info to treasurer to ensure people get paid

vboyce commented 8 years ago

I'm fine with not adding any SP review comment to president section.

Proposal for rooming The Rooming Director shall reserve rooms "and handle event registration" for weekly dances and other club functions, and help other club officers with rooming-related needs.

Booking: add bullet point saying "coordinate with the Treasurer to ensure payment of callers & cuers" or something similar

dehnert commented 7 years ago

Resolved in our fall 2016 review cycle.