technoblogy / serpente-core

An Arduino core for the Serpente ARM boards
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An Arduino core for the Serpente boards

This is an Arduino Core I created to allow my uLisp Lisp interpreter to be run on Serpente boards. You could also use this on its own to program the Serpente boards in C from the Arduino IDE.


For full information about the Serpente boards see: Serpente Documentation.

To buy the boards see: Serpente - A Tiny CircuitPython Prototyping Board on Tindie.

To get uLisp for the Serpente boards go to

Installing the Serpente core

Install the Arduino Core as follows:

When you restart the Arduino IDE there should be a new heading Arturo182 Serpente Boards on the Boards submenu with a single Serpente entry.


These boards are based on the Microchip ATSAMD21E, an ARM Cortex M0+ CPU with a 48 MHz clock. There are three variants which differ only in the type of USB connector provided. Each board provides 256 KB flash and 32 KB RAM, and also include a separate 4 MB SPI DataFlash chip.

I/O pins

Apart from the power pins the boards provide six multi-purpose pins:

Label Functions
D0 Digital I/O, analogue input, analogue output (PWM), MOSI.
D1 Digital I/O, analogue input, analogue output (PWM), SCK.
D2 Digital I/O, analogue input, analogue output (PWM), MISO.
D3 Digital I/O, analogue input, analogue output (PWM).
D4 Digital I/O, analogue input, analogue output (PWM), SDA, TX.
D5 Digital I/O, analogue input, analogue output (PWM), SCL, RX.


The Serpente has an RGB LED connected to the following Arduino pin numbers:

Pin Functions
D6 Red.
D7 Green.
D8 Blue.