technoweenie / attachment_fu

Treat an ActiveRecord model as a file attachment, storing its patch, size, content type, etc.
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bug in ImageScience when it processes .gifs #15

Open palidanx opened 14 years ago

palidanx commented 14 years ago

In ImageScience, gif thumbnails are saved in png


There is a bug in line

Gets the thumbnail name for a filename. 'foo.jpg' becomes 'foo_thumbnail.jpg'

  def thumbnail_name_for(thumbnail = nil)
    return filename if thumbnail.blank?
    ext = nil
    basename = filename.gsub /.\w+$/ do |s|
      ext = s; ''
    # ImageScience doesn't create gif thumbnails, only pngs
    ext.sub!(/gif$/, 'png') if attachment_options[:processor] == "ImageScience"

attachment_options[:processor] returns a symbol and the comparison fails

it works if you do...

ext.sub!(/gif$/, 'png') if attachment_options[:processor].to_s == "ImageScience"

palidanx commented 14 years ago

Further correction. in attachment.rb if you specify it as a symbol you get this problem only :processor => :ImageScience,